Page 103 of Kayleigh
The woman lifted her hands and clasped them to her chest. “I’m not?”
“No, you’re not. I’m not unsympathetic to your situation as a single mom, trying to provide for your family. We feel that your apology is genuine, and that you wouldn’t do the same thing again if you were presented with a similar opportunity.”
“I would never do it again. I shouldn’t have done it this time. I was just so… desperate.” She sighed. “And stupid.”
“I understand your desperation, which is why we’re prepared to let you keep your job, with the understanding you’ll be on probation for the next six months.”
“Really?” The hope on Jenn’s face was almost painful to witness. “I get to keep my job?”
“Oh, thank you so much,” Jenn said, her voice tight with emotion, and Hudson thought she looked like she was close to bursting into tears. “I know I don’t deserve to, so I want you to know how much I appreciate this second chance, especially since Wilder is your brother. I won’t let you down. I promise.”
Kayleigh smiled at her. “Just do your best. That’s all we ask.”
Jenn nodded vigorously. “I will. You won’t regret letting me stay.”
“Second chances aren’t something we give lightly,” Caren said. “However, Kayleigh and Wilder were both insistent that you deserved one.”
The tears spilled over as Jenn’s emotions seemed to get the better of her. “I don’t know what to say.”
Hudson realized in that moment how right Kayleigh and Wilder had been in giving Jenn another chance. It would have been easier for both of them to just cut Jenn loose and move on from the situation. But they hadn’t taken the easy route.
As he watched the interaction taking place in front of him, Hudson realized that it was an outcome that would have pleased his mom immensely.
Hudson knew that his mom would have liked Kayleigh and her family. They would have had their faith in common, but his mom would also have liked how they related to the people around them, regardless of their station in life.
Though he would have liked his mom to meet Kayleigh, if she had still been alive, he probably would never have met any of the Halversons. He doubted that he would have ended up on this career path if his mom had still been in his life.
“We’re going to be bringing in a new Acting Guest Relations Manager,” Kayleigh said. “So you can expect to hear from them regarding your schedule.”
“Thank you, again. This… I just can’t believe this.”
After the meeting ended and Jenn left, Hudson realized his presence hadn’t been necessary, but it was good he’d been there. Though he’d been reluctant to give Jenn a second chance, he was glad he’d witnessed how Kayleigh dealt with the woman.
In Hudson’s mind, emotions should play no role in business decisions. And had it been his call whether to keep or fire Jenn, she would have been gone.
However, he could admit to being moved by Jenn’s response to the news that she was getting a second chance. He just hoped that she didn’t blow it. Because while Kayleigh might have been willing to give her another chance, Hudson wasn’t sure Jenn would get a third one.
Once Caren and Jenn had left, Kayleigh slumped back in her seat with a sigh. “I’m glad that’s all over.”
“Did you not want to speak to Jenn?” Hudson asked, perplexed by her reaction.
“Oh, I did,” Kayleigh said with a nod. “But honestly, I just want all of this to be done. It was bad enough dealing with the thefts, but this situation really took the stuffing out of me.”
Hudson wished that he could take her away for a bit of a break. Unfortunately, he didn’t know where a good place to go might be. Plus, he’d picked up on the fact that because she started her days so early, she also ended them early.
“Do you want to grab dinner before you head home?” Hudson asked, accepting that this was probably the closest he’d get to having an evening out with her on that day.
She regarded him for a moment that seemed to stretch on forever, making Hudson wish he could read her mind. Finally, she nodded.
“I’ll let you choose the time and place,” he said.
“Let’s meet at the Steakhouse at five-fifteen.”
“We don’t have to go there just because it’s my favorite restaurant.”
Kayleigh shrugged. “Actually, I really like it, too. They serve comfort food that I could really use today.”