Page 38 of Kayleigh
Kayleigh decided not to give any more details. Hudson’s words about it possibly being an inside job made her a little leery about giving out too much information. Not that she suspected the four around the table of being part of it, but in talking with others, they might inadvertently mention the wrong thing to the wrong person.
“How long is he going to be around?” Stephanie asked.
“I’m not sure. I haven’t asked him. He’s not answerable to me, so it hasn’t felt right to demand his schedule.”
Liz frowned. “Do you think he’s not telling you stuff?”
“Oh, I’m sure of it,” Kayleigh assured her. “This is all happening on my watch, so I’m sure he’s concerned about my ability to deal with the issues sufficiently.”
“You’re doing a great job,” Stephanie assured her.
“I’m trying, but this has turned into an even more stressful situation with the arrival of Mr. St. James.” She flicked her gaze to Liz. “Regardless of how easy on the eyes he is.”
She contemplated mentioning the possibility of them hiring additional security, but she decided to hold off. Hudson hadn’t said if he planned to hire through the HR department at the resort, or if it would be something he took care of directly.
“Be on the lookout for even the smallest issue,” Kayleigh said. “Tell your employees to report anything out of the ordinary. I don’t want something small to have the opportunity to turn into something major. If an employee who is delivering room service sees someone who looks suspicious in the hallways, tell them to report it to their supervisor. Stuff like that. I’d rather err on the side of caution.”
“I agree,” Stephanie said. “I’ll spread the word to all the departments.”
“Anything else we need to discuss?” Kayleigh asked.
No one brought anything more up, so she ended the meeting. Alone in the boardroom, she refilled her cup of coffee, then sat back down, staring out the window as she tried to put herself into the mind of whoever was targeting the resort.
Things were definitely escalating, but so far, nothing had been dangerous to guests. Would that change? Was it possible that injurious things were to come?
A knock on the door had her looking over. Hudson stood in the doorway, coffee cup in hand. He wore a charcoal gray suit with a white shirt and a navy blue tie. His hair was slicked back again, and he looked very much the part of a successful businessman.
Kayleigh thought he looked exceedingly handsome when he was dressed professionally. However, now that she’d seen him dressed more casually, that look was the one she preferred. This version of him tended to bring out the professional in her as well. When he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt or workout clothes, she felt more relaxed and at ease around him.
Considering she and Hudson had a professional relationship, that should be what she was focused on. However, the time they’d spent together at Janessa’s, and also the conversation she’d had with Wilder about his dinner with Hudson on Saturday evening, had shifted things in her mind.
She wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.
“Your assistant said you were here,” he said as he ventured further into the room, then took a seat at the table, bringing with him a hint of sandalwood and bergamot. It was an appealing scent, and no doubt, a very expensive cologne. “Did you have a meeting?”
She nodded. “Weekly meeting with my department heads.”
“Tell me about them.”
Though she didn’t know everything about the managers she’d just met with, she told him what she’d learned over the time she’d worked with them. Hudson didn’t make any notes and only asked a few questions.
“And the people working beneath them?”
Again, Kayleigh shared what she knew, but even though she had information about some people, there were plenty of employees that she didn’t know well. With the way things had been unfolding, she had a feeling that whoever was behind everything was keeping a low profile. They wouldn’t do anything that would draw attention to themselves.
“I know I’ve asked you about them before,” he said. “I just wanted to see if perhaps something else had come to mind.”
Kayleigh frowned as she lifted her mug and took another sip. “I told my managers today to speak with the people in their departments to be on the lookout for even the smallest thing that appears out of the ordinary.”
Hudson nodded. “I’ve got someone coming to meet with me this afternoon about the security guards.”
“You can use this room, if you’d like. This is the boardroom that is used by resort employees. We do have a couple of other boardrooms that can be reserved by guests.”
“This one would be fine if it’s available.”
“If you give me the meeting time, I can check with Andrea since she keeps the schedule for the room’s use. I’m pretty sure that it will be available, since I’m usually the one using it, and I have no meetings this afternoon. If you need coffee or food, let me know, and Andrea can make those arrangements as well.”
“I’d appreciate that.” He pulled out his phone, then checked something on it. “I was just waiting for a reply to my email to confirm a time. He says he has time around three. I guess maybe we’ll just go with coffee for the meeting.”