Page 43 of Kayleigh
It was either that or think about all the reasons he really wished he was back in Serenity. Which, he had to admit, was also appealing, so he didn’t fight it when his thoughts drifted from his book to Serenity Point. He lowered his phone and stared out the window at the dark sky, thinking about the time he’d spent with Kayleigh and her family.
Hudson wondered if the Halversons would be having another pizza night that Friday. If he’d still been at the resort, would they have included him again? Perhaps it wouldn’t have been fair to Kayleigh to have to deal with him at work and then at her family gathering too.
He didn’t want to make things awkward for her, so unless any future invitations came from her, he’d have to say no. Or at least heshouldsay no.
Being around Kayleigh was just so refreshing. She was professional, yet not rigidly so. She was honest but didn’t fawn all over him. She seemed to genuinely care about solving the incidents at the resort for the sake of their guests, more than because of how they reflected on her.
It was a shame that he was only at the beginning of the trip to Scotland because already he wished that he was on his way back. That feeling was so foreign that Hudson wasn’t sure what to do with it.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have anyone to talk to about what he was feeling in relation to Serenity Point and Kayleigh.
The four plus hours it took to reach New York City went by more quickly than Hudson had thought they would, and soon they were beginning their descent to the airport.
Once they were on the ground, the plane was refueled, and Hudson was joined onboard by three people from Remington, one of whom was his assistant, Caleb.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” Hudson said as he gave him a quick hug, surprisingly happy to see the man.
“Alexander sent me a message this morning saying that I needed to get myself packed and on the plane tonight.” He gave a shrug. “I’m not sure why. Probably to keep you in line.”
Hudson chuckled. “Yeah, that’s definitely what he was thinking.”
“I’m not sure what else it could be.”
“Hey, don’t question the reason. Just enjoy the trip to Scotland.”
Two people—a man and a woman—had joined them from the marketing department, and the four of them settled into their seats when the attendant let them know that they would be taking off soon.
Originally, Hudson hadn’t expected them to join him. He’d thought that the marketing people would do their work from their office. These days, thanks to the internet, they could do most of their research remotely.
Once they had been in the air for a bit, Hudson got up to speak briefly to the pair, then told the woman she could have the bed. She thanked him and grabbed her bag, disappearing into the room at the back.
“How’s it been going in Serenity?” Caleb asked as they reclined their chairs. The other passenger had taken a chair on the opposite side, a little further back.
“Not great, but not horrible, either.” Hudson frowned. “But I’m worried that something will happen while I’m not there.”
“You don’t think the manager could handle it?”
“Oh, I’m sure that Kayleigh could handle it. I’m just concerned that things are escalating, and up next could be an injury to someone.”
“You won’t be away long,” Caleb said. “I’m sure nothing will crop up in the few days you’re gone.”
“Yeah. Hopefully.”
Hudson looked down at his phone, filled with the urge to send Kayleigh a text. He was sure that if anything had happened in the few hours he’d been gone, she would have let him know.
He set his phone on the small table that was between his seat and Caleb’s and tried to put his worries out of his mind. He had to get some sleep, or he’d be useless when they landed in Glasgow.
As he laid back on his seat in the now-dimly lit cabin, however, instead of falling asleep, his thoughts went to Kayleigh, and he wondered what she might be up to. Most likely, she was already in bed since she got up so early.
He was curious what sort of home she had. At work, she was so professional and put together that he thought she might have a very modern-looking home. Much like the apartment where he lived.
However, even as he thought that, he recalled how she’d looked when they’d eaten pizza together and when she worked out. There had been nothing pretentious or polished about the clothes she’d worn, which made him think that away from the office, she went for comfort over style.
He wanted to get to know the woman she was away from the resort. Away from the pressures of her job.
But would he get the chance?
Letting out a sigh, Hudson tried to relax so he could fall asleep like Caleb had. It took a little while, but eventually he drifted off.