Page 76 of Kayleigh
“No. I travel for the months of the year that I’m not employed here, so it hasn’t been practical or easy for me to date.”
“So you’ve never gotten involved with any of the women who have expressed interest in you?”
Wilder shook his head.
“And Liz knows you prefer for the guests not to contact you directly?”
“Yes. Kayleigh made sure that anyone who might be asked for my contact information knew to tell the guests that any messages pertaining to skiing could be left for me at the ski shop.”
Caren reached for her bag and pulled out a notebook and a pen. She jotted some things down, then focused on Wilder again. Wilder met her gaze directly as she regarded him, then she said, “I’m going to give you a rundown of what you’ve been accused of. I will also give you a list of the times and places that the incidents occurred to give you the opportunity to refute them.”
“Do I need a lawyer?” Wilder asked.
“If you’d like one,” Caren said readily enough. “I’ll still give you all the information now, then you can decide how to deal with it.”
Wilder glanced at him, then back at Caren. “Okay.”
Hudson sat back in his chair, bracing himself for what was to come. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy for Wilder to hear. It hadn’t been easy when Hudson had heard the details.
Wilder had started to listen with a frown, but soon, a look of horror eclipsed it. “I would… no, no, no… I wouldnever, eversay anything like that.Never.”
Caren nodded, but Hudson didn’t think it was because she necessarily accepted Wilder’s statement as truth. More likely, it was because it was the expected response for someone being accused the way Wilder was.
Hudson knew that Kayleigh would have liked to have been there when they told Wilder, but he had a feeling that she would have struggled to hold her composure throughout this exchange. He really hoped that the situation could be resolved quickly, but Hudson had a feeling that the effects of it would have far-reaching consequences for Wilder, even if… when, he was found innocent.
“Like I said, I’ll give you a hard copy of all of this,” Caren said when she was done recounting everything. “And you—or your lawyer, if you choose to hire one—can let me know where you might have been during those times.” Caren shoved her notebook and papers back into the briefcase, then got to her feet. “Thank you for speaking with me, Wilder. Please be assured that we’ll do our best to get this resolved.”
Wilder stood up as well and took the hand Caren offered him. “Thank you.”
Turning to Hudson, Caren said, “I’m going to go meet with Stephanie now. I’ll talk to you later.”
Silence followed her exit from the suite until Wilder cleared his throat and said, “Do you really believe I didn’t say or do those things?”
“I don’t think you did,” Hudson assured him. “I don’t know why this woman has said what she did, but I know you’re innocent.”
Relief crossed Wilder’s face. “Thanks for believing me.”
“Just hang in there,” Hudson said. “We’ll get this figured out.”
“Is Kayleigh mad?”
“Do youthinkshe’s mad?”
“I don’t want this to negatively impact her. She’s worked so hard to get her position here.”
“Kayleigh’s job is secure,” Hudson said. Even if he hadn’t been inclined to let her keep her position, he was quite sure that Alexander would have been. “And so is yours once we get to the bottom of this.”
Wilder dragged a hand down his face. “This was not what I expected to have to deal with today.” He glanced at his watch. “I need to get back to work.”
“Take a minute and eat a bit more,” Hudson said.
“I don’t have much of an appetite.” But he still picked up the sandwich and took a couple more bites.
“Wrap up the sandwich and take it with you in case you get hungry later,” Hudson said.
“Thanks.” Wilder put the uneaten portion of the sandwich in the large napkins that had come with their meal. “Thanks too, for being here for this.”
“It wasn’t a problem. Plus, I told Kayleigh I’d be here.”