Page 22 of My Unexpected Mate
I wanted to ask him another question when I heard Aria enter the living room. She was holding her grandma’s letter and she sat back on the sofa.
“Can I really trust you?” she asked me.
“Yes. I am not going to hurt you, Aria. I think we are more than just two strangers and I want to figure that out.”
She nodded and handed me the letter. I opened it and held it so Nick could read it as well.
Nick looked at me when we finished. We were both confused. I didn’t even notice Annie coming back. Two cold beers were in front of us, and she was back on her sofa sipping her beer.
“What prophecy?” I managed to ask Aria.
“I wish I knew,” she sighed.
What really piqued my interest was this part about Aria being the key to stopping this whole inquisition thing. It was similar to what Claudia had said to me before dying. Maybe that’s why I felt this pull to her. Maybe we were meant to stop this thing together.
“I really think my grandma was wrong,” Aria said. “I am not strong, and I don’t have any unique magical powers. I can’t be the one who will stop this. I am nothing and nobody.”
My heart clenched at her words, and I felt anger coming. “Don’t say that.”
“I think you are wrong, Aria,” Nick jumped in. “There is something big here that we don’t know about, and we have to find out what it is.”
“Maybe…,” she said quietly.
“Did your grandma ever talk about Claudia before?” Nick asked her.
“No, never,” she sighed looking up at him. “I found out about her while reading this letter.”
“Where did you find it? Were there any more items there?” I asked, sipping my beer.
“It was under the floorboards in our living room. My grandma made it a little safe there and put some important stuff inside in case anything happened. The letter was inside along with some pictures, documents, my clothes and this medallion I can’t open,” she said, reaching under her shirt and pulling out a silver, circle-shaped medallion.
The floorboards. I never checked under the floorboards in my home. Maybe Claudia had the same idea as Aria’s grandmother.
“Why can’t you open the medallion?” Nick’s voice interrupted my thoughts.
“I don’t know,” she answered, putting it back under her shirt, “she said it will open when the time is right. It’s under a spell. I’ve tried figuring out which one but it’s too strong for me,” she shrugged.
“Can I try?” I asked, holding out my hand.
She looked at me for a moment thinking about it before handing it to me. It was warm from the constant contact with her skin. It smelled like her. It made me warm inside.
I put my hand above it, absorbing its energy. I felt it buzzing and an electric shock hit my hand. I removed my arm in a reflex. What was that? I looked up at Aria, confusion written all over my face.
“Yeah, it happened to me too when I tried to figure it out,” Aria muttered.
I looked back at the medallion. Someone really powerful put a spell on it. But who?
Aria’s POV
I watched Gabriel and Nick trying to figure out my medallion. They were discussing who could have put a spell on it, but I was too tired to pay attention.
I watched Nick as he tried to figure out a spell, the same thing happening to him. Buzzing and an electric shock through his hand. He was a warlock werewolf hybrid, and he was powerful. Not like Gabriel though. He was probably more warlock than a wolf. I could barely feel his wolf side.
Nick was handsome. His dark blonde hair was short but styled perfectly. He had brown eyes, a sharp jaw and totally kissable lips. He was tall, the same height as Gabriel. Watching his muscles flex as he was moving was doing funny things inside my belly.
Annie saw me eyeing Nick and she smirked at me, raising her eyebrow. I diverted my gaze feeling embarrassed that she caught me.
I never had a boyfriend. There was a guy back in my village that I liked and went on a couple of dates with, but nothing serious ever happened. We went out a couple of times and kissed, but it never went further than that.