Page 24 of My Unexpected Mate
“Yeah,” I sighed and smiled.
“Did I see Gabriel Richardson hugging you?”
I nodded. “I can’t explain it, Annie. It’s weird. I don’t know him, but there is something there.”
“Well, him being hot as hell helps,” she said laughing.
“Yeah, he is hot. But I don’t think about him like that. It’s not sexual. I don’t know what it is,” I sighed.
“At least I know we won’t be fighting over him then.”
I laughed, “Yeah, definitely no fighting.”
“You can have Nick. I saw you eyeing him,” she winked at me.
“He is hot,” I said, “but, before admitting to anything else, I need sleep.”
“Same, girl. Your wild life is really exhausting,” she said, wrapping her arm around mine and pulling me upstairs to our bedrooms.
“Tell me about it.”
We came in front of her bedroom, and she let go of my arm.
“All kidding aside, something big is happening, girl,” she said, a serious expression on her face. “But don’t worry, A. We will figure it out.”
I hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Annie. I couldn’t do this without you.”
She smiled warmly. “Go to bed. Guys will come back tomorrow, and we will find something. Good night, Aria.”
“Good night, Annie.”
I turned and walked into my bedroom. I quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on my pajamas.
I laid under my covers and let sleep take me away from this mess. At least for a little while.
Gabriel’s POV
Nick and I drove back in silence. I was exhausted, but peaceful. I could still feel her in my arms, feel her warmth.
“Do you want to look under the floorboards tomorrow?” Nick broke the silence when we parked in his driveway. “When Aria said her grandma hid the safe under the floorboards it made me realize that is the only place we didn’t check in your house.”
“Yeah, I caught that too,” I said. “I was actually thinking about doing it right now.”
“Get some sleep, man. And get something to eat. We can look for it tomorrow,” he said, opening his car door.
He was right. I was too tired. And hungry. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.
I stepped out of the car and closed the door. Nick locked it and turned to go to his house.
“Nick,” I called after him.
“Yeah man?” he turned back.
“Are you alright?” I asked, walking closer to him, tugging my hands down my pockets.
I could see something was bugging him, but I never knew how to talk about feelings and stuff. It felt weird. I was a little bit uncomfortable.