Page 35 of My Unexpected Mate
I was home with you when the news came. There was a knock on the door, and I left you in your crib to answer the door. The police told me what happened, and I broke.
I lost my family. It took me a while to stop crying and pull myself together. The cops wanted me to go to the morgue and identify the bodies. I told them I will go, but I need to take you with me.
You two were the only family I had left. I was going to protect you with my life.
I went upstairs to your room to get you, but I found only one baby. You, my darling Gabriel. The window was open and there was a note in the crib next to you.
It was from Grace. She apologized for causing the accident that killed my family and she said there wasn’t any other way to protect everybody from Victor.
I can’t even begin to explain to you the anger I felt. I wanted to kill her; I wanted her to suffer. But I couldn’t leave you.
I searched for Grace for a long time, but I couldn’t find her. And you needed me. So, I stopped. And I did everything so you could have the life you deserved.
And I thought we were done with Victor and the prophecy. But I was wrong.
Humans aren’t behind this inquisition. Victor and Cora are pulling the strings.
Humans don’t know, of course, but they are in charge.
Hiding behind this Middle Age cause and lying to humans about ridding the world of supernaturals. They are looking for you. He wants your power. He wants to rule the world and kill humans.
The best way to defeat him would be with your twin, when you are 22 and reach your full power. But you have to do it alone because I don’t know if she is alive anymore.
Everything I told you was hard for me to say but talking about your sister is going to be the hardest. I feel like I let her down.
Like she would be alive now if I was stronger. You wouldn’t be alone right now.
You would have her. She would be an amazing person, I am sure. Just like you. And she would be beautiful, just like you, my Gabriel. She was only 6 months old when Grace took her. She had the most amazing green eyes and brown hair.
She had your eyes, Gabriel. Her name was Aria. In the smaller box, there is a picture of you two. I want you to know her. And I am sorry I didn’t tell you about her sooner.
There is a picture of your parents in there as well. And a medallion. We bought you and Aria the same medallion and we put your pictures inside so you would never be alone.
I put a spell on them so they can open only when they are close. But Grace took Aria’s.
So, there is only yours inside. I am sorry you won’t be able to open it, but you will always know she is in there. By your side. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am about everything.
Keeping secrets, lying to you, not saving your sister. I hope you can forgive me.
Because I will never forgive myself. I hope I will see your parents and your grandpa when I’m gone. And Aria. I can’t wait to hold her.
We will all be watching you and protecting you from afar. I love you, my darling. Never forget that.”
CHAPTER ELEVEN - The Harsh Truth
Gabriel’s POV
I couldn’t breathe. The only thing I could feel was my heart beating. It felt like it was going to beat its way out of my chest.
I don’t know how long I had been staring at my laptop screen. I don’t know what I was waiting for. Maybe for the video to start again and for my grandma to say she was kidding.
Pure rage brought me back from the numbness. I wanted to kill. I needed to kill. I threw my laptop into a wall and screamed. Next thing I know I was on my feet breaking every piece of fucking furniture in my living room. The only thing I felt was rage.
My knuckles were bleeding profusely, and I had a cut on my cheek from the broken glass when Nick stopped me.
“Gabriel, stop!” he screamed at me and grabbed my hands, pulling me towards him and hugging me.
I never cry. I never let anyone hug me. But I let Nick hug me. And I cried. Rage was mixing with sadness, and I couldn’t stop crying.