Page 51 of My Unexpected Mate
“No, man,” he defended himself. “That is not my secret to tell. I just told her about her grandma and what happened in her village.”
I felt anger coming to the surface.
“That murderer was not her grandma,” I said, clenching my fists.
He looked at me and I could see the regret on his face. He raised his hands like he was surrendering. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.
“You are right. I am sorry,” he said calmly. “But my mom doesn’t know what happened. And neither does Aria. So, until you tell her, she is her grandma.”
He was right. But it didn’t make me any less angry.
“You are right,” I said unclenching my fists. “It is just hard. I want to kill that woman all over again.”
“I know, Gabe. Me too.”
I took a deep breath again. “What did your mom say?”
“Well, she is happy for me, of course,” he smiled brightly. “But she said not to push her. She has been through a lot recently and I shouldn’t add to that stress.”
“So, you are not going to tell her she is your mate?” I asked him, surprised.
“Oh, no, I will. Today,” he smiled. “If another Jack happens, I will lose it and go on a killing rampage. I can’t go through that again. And the only way not to is to tell her. I am just going to stop pushing everything else. Like this, for example. If we say 6 pm, it will be 6 pm. If she tells me she can’t be with me right now, I will wait. The only condition to that is no other males, of course. And I will try not to get angry in front of her like yesterday. I hate seeing fear in her eyes. Even more when I am responsible.”
He was right. Well, his mom was right. We have been pushing her too hard. It was natural for us to want her because we know who she was to us, but she didn’t know who we are to her. To her, we were two strangers who entered her life and decided a lot of things for her. If somebody did that to me, I would hate them. And I didn’t want her to hate me. I would die if that happened.
“Your mom is a wise woman,” I smiled.
“Yes, she is. And her son is even wiser,” he said proudly.
I laughed hard. “Do you have a brother that I don’t know about?”
He gave me the finger and put his mug in the dishwasher. I laughed again.
“Okay,” I sighed. “If we are going over there at 6 pm, what are we going to do until then?”
“We could prepare their rooms,” he suggested.
“I already did that,” I smiled. “I had a woman from my grandma’s old firm come and decorate.”
Those rooms were empty and unused. So, I had to make them livable. I didn’t know what to do exactly, so I asked Maire from my grandma’s old firm to come and make them girly. She was an architect, just like my grandma was. They worked together for years, and she loved my grandma. She was happy to help.
She did an amazing job in those rooms. I think. I was not really an expert when it came to girls’ bedrooms. All I knew was that there was a king-size bed in each of their rooms and a closet you could live in. I hope it will fit all their clothes. I knew girls had a lot of those.
“Really?” Nick asked and raised his eyebrows. “You are well prepared. When did you arrange that?”
“Yesterday while we were at Annie’s.”
“How did you know she was going to agree?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“I didn’t,” I shrugged. “But I wanted to be prepared.”
“Wow, she works fast,” he laughed.
She does. I was surprised when she said she could get it done in a day.
“You still have to come up with an idea of what to do until 6 pm, since you are the one who messed up my plan,” I said seriously.
“Movie and lunch?” he suggested.