Page 53 of Brass Anchor Inn
“Jo!” He yelled out at the top of his lungs. He had no idea how far away she might be. “Jo, please speak to me.” As the silence dragged on, his heart beat strong and fast. Every nerve ending in his body was on alert as he reached around him, hoping to touch her. “Jo!”
“I’m over here.” Her voice was weak.
He breathed a little easier. “Are you hurt?”
“I…I don’t think so. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
But was he really? He’d been swept down into a crevice, wedged between two rocks. Most of his upper body was above the rock line, but it was his legs he was worried about. He couldn’t move them.
“We need to get out of here.” There was fear in Jo’s voice.
He hated that it was his enthusiasm that had gotten them into this mess. He didn’t know what had gotten into him. He didn’t normally act so rashly. In fact, he’d never done anything like this. Perhaps it was the kiss that muddled his thoughts. Maybe the moon had cast a spell over him. Whatever it was, it was gone now.
He used his arms to try once more to free himself. He applied all his strength. His mid-section felt as though it was being pulled in half. He didn’t move.
“Lane, stop messing around. We have to get out of here before another wave comes in.”
“I’m not.”
“Then let’s go. I know we were having fun, but the fun is over now. I’m soaked and cold.”
The water continued to pound against the rocks. He knew it was only a matter of time until it crashed into him, squeezing him in tighter.
He pulled on his legs. His right leg moved ever so slightly, but his left leg was pinned tightly. The more he tried to free himself, the more he realized it was his left ankle and foot that were stuck between the rocks.
“Lane, why aren’t you moving?” Her voice was rising.
“Jo, listen to me.” He strained to keep his voice calm.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m stuck.”
She scrambled to his side. “I’ll help you out.”
She straddled the two rocks and then crouched down. She placed her hands under his arms and pulled. He used his arms, and together they worked to try to free him. His upper body moved slightly, while his one leg didn’t move at all. The more they pulled on his wedged-in foot, the more pain he felt.
“Stop.” The pain was too much. “It isn’t working.”
“What’s the problem?”
“My legs are stuck. My one foot is jammed in so tight I can’t even wiggle my toes.”
Just then a wave hit the top of the rocks. The water rolled across the rocks and washed over them. It took a moment for the water to recede.
He swiped the salt water from his face. “I need you to go get help.”
“I’ll call for help.” She reached for her phone. After a few moments of trying to get it to work, she said, “The water got to it.”
“Go. Please. Get help.”
“I can’t leave you. What if…” Her voice died away.
He knew what she was thinking. She was wondering what he would do when another big wave hit. He’d hold his breath and pray.
“Hurry.” A shiver raced through him. The rocks were leaching the warmth from his body.