Page 26 of Summer Refresh
“What has you so preoccupied?”
She held out her phone with a picture of the kitten. “I took more than a dozen photos and I’m trying to pick out the best one.”
A smile pulled at her lips as she flipped through the photos. The kitten had been curious about her camera, and so there was a closeup photo of the kitten nosing her phone.
Kent peered over her shoulder, looking at the kitten pictures. “How’s your search for the owner coming?”
“I was just working on it.” She swiped right on her phone and held up another photo of the kitten. “Do you think that will work for a lost kitten post on social media?”
He nodded. “Looks good to me.”
“Great.” Her fingers moved over the phone’s screen as she uploaded the post to the island’s message board. “Done.”
“You might want to print up some flyers.”
“Do you really think it’s necessary?”
“A number of the older folks on the island aren’t much into the internet. Trust me, I know because of the advertising I do for the furniture store.”
“Okay. I can do that.” She logged into the computer at the reception desk and set to work. Five minutes later, she had some flyers printed up. A frown pulled at her face.
“What’s wrong?”
She lowered her voice. “You aren’t going to tell anyone that I used the work computer to do my personal stuff, are you?”
His brows lifted. “You would get in trouble for that?”
She shrugged. “Josie is pretty easygoing, but there is a rule about not doing personal stuff on the computers.”
“So you’re a rule breaker. Who’d have thought it?” He smiled and shook his head.
A frown pulled at the corner of her lips. “This isn’t funny. I’m serious. I can’t afford to get in trouble.”
The smile disappeared from his face. “Okay. I promise I won’t say anything, but I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal.”
“Thank you.” She grabbed the printouts from the color printer.
“Well, can you afford a lunch break?”
She checked her fitness watch. “I don’t have long.”
“I’ll tell you what, we’ll make this a working lunch.”
“How’s that?”
“We’ll put up the flyers on our way to lunch.”
She shrugged. “Okay.”
And so they set off. Since she walked to work, they took Kent’s cart to save time. When they got into town, they would stop periodically and use a staple gun Kent had grabbed from his toolbox to put a flyer on a utility pole.
While he did that, she stepped into the dress shop and asked if they’d keep the flyer by the register. They happily agreed. She loved how helpful the residents of Bluestar could be. She was lucky to call this place home.
When she exited the shop, she almost ran into someone. She stopped short and glanced up. “Oh. Hello.”
Mayor Tony Banks frowned. He wasn’t much older than her, but his persona was one of a much older, proper gentleman, especially with his bowties. Where in the world did he get the idea to wear a bowtie every day?
He was definitely one of the more unique people on the island. He was still a bachelor, and Sara could see why. It would take someone strong enough to loosen him up before he’d be ready to settle down.