Page 42 of Summer Refresh
“I think we should dress the place up with fresh plants, and on the coffee tables we should place some of those big colorful books filled with beautiful pictures.”
He honestly hadn’t thought of any of this stuff. “It sounds a little over the top. Don’t we want to save some of this stuff for Josie?”
Sara shook her head. “Josie has a lot going on. We should have this place totally setup and ready to go when she gets home.”
He opened his mouth to argue the point further, but then he saw the determined look on Sara’s face. She wasn’t going to give up until the lobby was completed. He wordlessly pressed his lips together.
“So you agree.” She stated it as a matter of fact. “Good. Tomorrow let’s go shopping.”
He was afraid she’d say that. Shopping wasn’t one of his favorite tasks. But with Sara by his side, it certainly would be interesting, especially when she looked at him with that bright sunny smile that made his heart skip a beat.
Chapter Fourteen
Ithadbeenafun afternoon of shopping.
Even Kent had smiled a time or two.
Friday afternoon, Sara insisted on driving one of the inn’s carts. It was larger than Kent’s and would provide more room for the plants and decorations they picked up along the way.
She’d be the first to admit that she was opposed to this refresh project, but now that it was almost complete, she loved it. The lobby looked like a totally different place. It was so much more welcoming. She couldn’t wait for Josie to see it.
She glanced over at Kent to say something and noticed him staring at his phone…again. He’d been doing that a lot today. She wondered what had him so distracted.
“Is everything okay?” She slowed the cart to a stop at a busy intersection.
“You mean other than being dragged along on this shopping trip?” He sent her a teasing smile.
“Oh. You love it. And you know it.”
He let out a laugh. “Is that what you really think?”
“Of course. You’re with me. Why wouldn’t you have a good time?”
He continued to smile and shake his head. “Think highly of yourself much?”
The smile fell from her face. Is that what he really thought of her? That she was stuck up? She was only trying to have a little bit of fun. “That isn’t what I meant. I was just having some fun.”
“Hey. Relax,” Kent said. “I was just giving you a hard time.”
Her gaze searched his. “Do you mean it? You’re not just saying it to make me feel better, are you?”
“Of course not.” He frowned. “I meant that in response to your first question. And yes, I meant it.” His phone buzzed, drawing his attention.
“What’s going on with you?”
He stared at his phone but didn’t answer it. “Nothing. Why?”
“Because you’ve been distracted with your phone all afternoon.”
He shrugged. “I just have some stuff going on.”
“Oh.” She wanted to ask more but she didn’t.
An awkward silence ensued before he said, “I’ve gotten an interview for a job in Boston.”
“That’s great news.” She put on her best and brightest smile, even though on the inside she hoped he wouldn’t leave Bluestar.
He returned her smile, but she noticed it didn’t light up his eyes. “There’s no guarantee about a job, but it’s at least a start.”