Page 54 of Summer Refresh
He stepped closer to her. “It is but what about us?”
She shook her head. “There is no us.”
“But what about the time we spent together? And the kiss we shared?”
She glanced away. “It was nothing serious. It was us just getting caught up in the moment. Don’t let that hold you back. Our job at the inn is over. Your sister is back and loves the refresh.”
He was surprised by her rejection. This was not what he’d been expecting. “You can’t be serious.”
“About what?”
He stepped up to her and stared into her eyes. “About us.”
Her gaze was unwavering. “I’m very serious. You aren’t the only one who has their career to think about. I’ve just been promoted to manager of the inn, so with the increased responsibilities I won’t have much free time for a social life.”
He stepped back as though her words had smacked him in his face. “I must have read things wrong.”
She shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll meet someone new in Boston.”
“Actually it’s Hartford.”
There was a flicker of something in her eyes, but it was gone before he was able to decipher it. “You should go now.”
There was a part of him that felt as though he should say something more, but what was left to say? He’d totally read the situation wrong. Very wrong.
It wasn’t his phone. His gaze moved to Sara. She pulled the phone from her back pocket. When she glanced at the caller ID, she frowned.
“Something wrong?” He knew it was none of his business, but he couldn’t stop caring about Sara so quickly.
“It’s the people who took Oreo.”
The phone continued to ring.
“You should answer it.”
She pressed the phone to her ear. There were a lot of one-word answers. The color drained from her face. It left him even more curious.
When she ended the call, he looked at her expectantly. She didn’t say anything, forcing him to speak up. “Is everything okay with the kitten?”
“No. Oreo ran away again. They called here to see if I’d seen him.”
Concern had him stepping back toward the doorway. “How long has he been gone?”
“They aren’t sure, but the last time they saw him was this morning when they fed him.”
“Poor little guy. I bet he’s getting hungry.”
“And he’s probably scared.”
For the moment, their concern about Oreo trumped their prior conversation. They needed to find the kitten and quickly as nighttime wasn’t far off.
Without a word, Sara ran back to her bedroom.
“Sara, where are you going? We need to start searching.”
She rushed back to the living room with her shoes in her hand. She dropped them on the floor and slipped her feet into them. “I needed some shoes. And what is this aboutweneed to start searching?”