Page 58 of Summer Refresh
The next thing she knew, she heard a strange sound. It wasn’t a cry or meow. It sounded more like someone or something was eating. She lowered her head and squinted into the shadows.
There was definitely something there. Was it Oreo? She pressed the end of the flashlight to her leg and turned it on. She wanted to be cautious with the light so she didn’t scare them off.
As she raised the light, she averted it from the sidewalk. In the glow of the beam, she was at last able to make out the kitten licking at the can of food. It was Oreo.
She stifled an excited squeal. Her heart leapt with joy. He was safe.Thank goodness. She wanted to run over to him and scoop him up in her arms, but she was worried that in the dark, any quick movements might scare him.
And so she started by talking softly to him. “Hey, Oreo, it’s me.”
He kept right on eating. She slowly stood. One cautious step after the next, she made her way to him. “You’re a hungry little fella, aren’t you? You probably didn’t have anything to eat all day. You shouldn’t have run away. Anything could have happened to you.”
She knelt down next to him and ran her hand over his back. His downy fur was coated with sand and other debris. As she pet him, his deep purr vibrated through his body. She smiled as tears of joy clouded her vision.
When he stopped eating, she picked him up and snuggled him to her neck. “I’ve missed you.”
His cold, damp nose touched her neck. It was as though he were saying he’d missed her too. With the kitten in one hand and the food in the other hand, she made her way up the steps to her apartment.
Once she fussed over Oreo, she got him some water. He eagerly lapped it up. With his thirst quenched, Oreo made his way to the couch and made himself comfortable right in the center of it, just as he had done when he’d lived with her. She wondered if he remembered his time with her.
As soon as he was settled, his eyes drifted closed. He looked utterly exhausted. The poor little guy. As she watched him breathe, tears blurred her vision. Her heart swelled with love. She was so relieved that Oreo was safe and sound. Now all she wanted to do was keep him. There was just something so comforting about having the little guy around.
She retrieved her phone from the charger. It had just enough battery power to place a couple of calls. Her first call was to Birdie so she could tell everyone that Oreo had shown up. Birdie sounded just as excited as Sara felt. Birdie was never one for a quick chat, so they talked for a few more minutes. A warning beep from her phone let Sara know she was just about out of battery power. It was the perfect excuse to get off the phone.
It looked like it would be a little longer until she could call Kent and then the Watsons. Sara wasn’t all that upset as she placed her phone back on the charger.
She moved to the door and opened it to find Kent standing there with a frown on his face. “I’m sorry, Sara. I’ve been looking everywhere, and I haven’t found Oreo.”
“It’s okay. I was just about to call you, but my phone died.”
“You found Oreo?”
She smiled and nodded. “It’s more like he found me.” She opened the door wider so he could step inside. “The poor little guy wore himself out making his way here.”
Kent’s gaze moved around the room until it came to rest on the couch. “I think I can hear him snoring from here.”
“He ate and drank. Then he jumped, well, it was more like climbed up the couch and settled in for a long nap.”
“It looks like he could stay right there the rest of the night.”
“I wish. But I have to call the Watsons and let them know that he’s been found.”
Kent went over to the kitten and pet him. Oreo lifted his head. His eyelids were heavy, as though it were an ordeal to lift them. “Are you sure he’s okay?”
“As sure as I can be. Other than being a bit dirty, he appears tired, but that’s all.”
Kent straightened and moved away from the couch, letting Oreo go back to sleep. “I’m glad you found him.”
“Actually, he found me. And I’m so relieved.” Her gaze met his. “Thank you for dropping everything to help me search for him. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. You know I’d do anything to help you.”
His softly spoken words chipped away at the wall she’d erected around her heart. It would be so easy to give in to her desires and wrap her arms around him, but it would only be momentary. She refused to settle for scraps of his attention and time.
She leveled her shoulders and lifted her chin ever so slightly. “Well, it’s been a long day. I’m sure you’re tired after everything.”
His brows momentarily rose. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stick around and be here when the Watsons pick up Oreo?”