Page 72 of Summer Refresh
Kent got to his feet. “Let’s go.”
She gently placed Oreo on the couch. He murred at her before he went back to sleep. She jumped to her feet, grabbed her purse from the counter, and followed Kent out the door.
Hand in hand they rushed to the inn. They didn’t talk much, each lost in their own thoughts. In the background, the concert was still going on.
When they reached the inn, they entered the lobby. No one was there. It wasn’t uncommon at this late hour. She moved down the hallway to Harvey’s office.
“Harvey?” She stepped around the corner and gasped.
Harvey was collapsed on the floor next to his desk. Her heart lurched into her throat.No-no. This can’t be happening.He had to be all right.
She rushed toward him. Kent was right behind her.
“Help me roll him over,” Kent said.
They moved Harvey as gently as they could. And then Kent checked for a pulse. While he started CPR, she called 911. It was all a blur from there as she communicated between Kent and the 911 operator.
It seemed like forever until the paramedics arrived—even though it was just a matter of minutes. Kent’s younger brother Liam was one of the paramedics. He was as tall as his older brother and almost as good-looking. Though there was a guarded look in Liam’s eyes that wasn’t there with Kent. Maybe it had something to do with Liam’s divorce. She knew it hadn’t been easy on him.
But he was an amazing father. Everybody in town loved when Liam brought his three-year-old son, Tate, to The Lighthouse Café. The residents would stop by their table and ooh and awe over Tate. She didn’t, but it didn’t mean she hadn’t been tempted. When Liam was with his son, he always looked so happy.
Tonight Liam’s face was creased with worry lines. He was all business as he moved in and took over the CPR for his brother. Kent moved to Sara’s side and draped an arm over her shoulders, pulling her in close for a hug. A tight hug. For a moment, they clung to each other as they attempted to come to terms with this serious situation.
With the ambulance’s siren wailing and red lights flashing, they transported Harvey to the island’s medical center. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.
As they stood in the parking lot, Sara turned to Kent, whose face was creased with worry lines. “I need to stay here. You… You should go to the medical center. I… I’ll try to get ahold of his daughter and let Josie know.”
Kent looked at her with concern in his eyes. “Are you going to be okay?”
She swallowed hard and nodded. “I’ve got this. Just go make sure Harvey is okay. He just has to be.”
She couldn’t imagine life without Harvey’s big smiles or his bear hugs. He was such a good guy and so full of life. They just couldn’t lose him. She banished the thought. It wasn’t going to happen. He would be fine.
Kent lifted her chin until they were staring into each other’s eyes. It was in his steady gaze that she found the strength she needed to get through this evening. Kent lowered his head and gave her a tender kiss.
He pulled back. “Try not to worry too much. He’s in good hands. We’ll get through this together.”
She blinked repeatedly and nodded. “Take one of the inn’s carts. She ran inside, grabbed a key, and rushed back out. She handed him the key. His fingers caught hers and held on. “Go.”
With reluctance he let her hand go and then walked away.
With the wail of the siren in the distance, she reached for her phone. It was time to make the dreaded phone call. No one ever wanted to make this call. And no one ever wanted to receive this call. She’d been on the receiving end of such a call, and it had torn her heart out. With a shaky finger, she called Melinda.
Continue reading Harvey’s story in A Seaside Bookshop Christmas. Join Melinda, Liam and Harvey for a very special holiday!
Bluestar Island, Christmas Eve…
Sara couldn’t stop smiling. Her cheeks ached, but she kept grinning. Santa had come early that year.
Ever since the Concert on the Beach, she’d spent almost every free moment with Kent. Of course, their calendars didn’t always sync up because of their work schedules, but they did the best they could to see each other every day, even if it was just for a quick coffee at The Lighthouse Café.
Sometimes they went on adventures around the island. Other times they would venture to the mainland. For his birthday, she’d surprised him with football tickets, and so they’d spent a long weekend in Foxborough, Massachusetts. For her birthday, he’d given her a spa weekend. It had been absolutely fabulous. Other than those two extravagances, they’d been saving their money. They both knew they were destined to have a future together.
Her sister and new husband had flown in for the holidays—talk about an amazing gift—to spend time with Cari. They’d gone caroling and returned to have a lasagna dinner with sides. With the fireplace lit and the glow of the Christmas tree, they’d enjoyed a leisurely dinner. There had been lots of laughter and a few trips down memory lane.