Page 75 of Enemies in Ruin
My head jerks up from Luca’s hand on mine to find Evie’s frosty gaze fixed on us.
“I’m breaking the engagement, Evie,” Luca says, his voice unyielding. “I offer my apologies for that. I’m sorry, but my heart belongs to Carina. It always has, and that”—he looks at me wryly—“supersedes business, for once.”
For a moment, there’s silence. Evie’s fingers tighten on the wineglass in front of her. I wonder idly if she’s going to pick it up and throw it in our faces. Seconds pass, and she gradually relaxes, at last picking the glass up and taking a healthy swallow.
“I guess I always knew that. Reparations must be paid, though. You’ve wasted my time, Luca Marzano, and landed an insult to the O’Hanlon family. That cannot go unremarked.” She turns her attention to Angel. “I suppose that’s why you’re here?”
“You suppose correctly. We all have admiration for you, Evie. No one has any wish to disrespect you in this matter.”
She inclines her head and looks back at me. “I suppose I should be glad, at least, that it’s you, Carina. I always did like you when we were children. And I’ve heard you made a name for yourself out West.”
“I suppose I did.”
“But that doesn’t excuse the insult you and Luca have done to the O’Hanlons.”
“What do you propose?” Luca asks, his tone faintly impatient.
“If we had married, we would have merged our resources and our influence. I want that.”
Luca narrows his eyes. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“I want the Marzano resources and influence.”
Luca sits back in his seat. “I’m perfectly willing to throw the influence of the Marzano name, such as it is, behind you in whatever way you need. But you want me to just give you my money?”
Once again, Evie inclines her head.
Luca snorts a laugh. “That’s not going to happen.”
Evie looks at Angel. “Speak sense to him.”
Angel heaves a sigh and turns his head to us. “Obviously, you won’t give her everything. But a settlement does need to be negotiated. What we have here is a dowry in reverse that has fallen through. You must follow the terms of the agreement or pay reparations.”
“The reparations will be according to what was lost, then. She’ll receive a portion of what she lost. A payout and a pledge of our loyalty—both the Marzano and the Scarpettafamiglias,” Luca replies firmly. He names a sum that is staggering to me and turns his icy green gaze upon Evie. “Satisfactory?”
“Hmm.” She thins her lips and considers, taking her time. “I suppose, since the Scarpetta pledge is included.”
The waiter approaches, his expression nervous. “Are we thinking about lunch?”
Angel smiles. “I rather think we are.”
Business concluded, we all place orders for meals, and talk turns to our childhood and the gatherings we used to share. It’s oddly peaceful and pleasant, and I find myself laughing as I sit back in the curve of Luca’s arm, feeling safe and protected for the first time in over a week.
I look up at him and am seized by the sudden impulse to pull his cheek down for a brief peck. His gaze warms in response, and he grasps my chin between his thumb and forefinger.
“You think you’re going to get away with that weak sauce?” he murmurs, swooping in for a deep kiss that leaves me dizzy and grinning like a fool beside him.
“So gross,” Evie mutters.
“Don’t worry, Evie, your time is coming,” Angel jibes.
“Shut up—”
The percussion swallows her words and sends us all flying. The front of the Bastoni e Pietri explodes, glass flying inward with the impetus of a dam bursting. There’s a split second of time where my vision captures guards flinging themselves in front of their people, bodies frozen in motion like still frames in a camera. Then Luca pushes me to the floor, and Baccio lowers himself protectively against me, his barking a dull echo in ears that ring with a constant sharp buzz.
I struggle to pull my gun free with my right hand, swiping dust from my eyes with my left. Beside me, Luca squats and fires over the table that someone flipped over. I can barely hear the staccato burst of gunfire over the constant ringing in my ears. Angel is beside him, and Evie on the other side of him. I can’t see anyone else for the haze of smoke and dust in the air.
Gun finally in my hand, I run my hand across the floor to try to push up and come up covered in blood. It reminds me of the night Baccio was shot, and my hand starts shaking.