Page 12 of Sins of the Mafia
I have to taste her.
It’s a split-second decision that causes me to press my lips against hers. Lulu’s eyes remain open, her mouth frozen under mine, and there’s a second where dread floods my veins and I think I’ve read every signal wrong. But when her hands rest on my chest, and she parts her mouth, a tentative acceptance, I don’t pause but force my lips hard against hers.
My hand glides to her waist, and I propel her backward until the small of her back is pressed against the countertop. She tastes so fucking perfect. Her tongue flicks out into my mouth, and my cock becomes even heavier and more painful in my boxers. Gripping her face in my hands, I tilt her head, allowing me full access to her mouth. My tongue slides in and dances with hers.
When I push my body against hers, she freezes, her breath harsh. I nudge her with my hips, letting her feel my erection against her stomach and watch the expressions dance across her face.
They send a thrill throughout my body.
A movement in the hall has me stepping back and searching the hallway beyond the entrance to the kitchen. I see no one, but that means nothing.
Still cupped in my hands, Lulu’s face creases in bewilderment, and I realize that while I was kissing this girl, my lust for her burned brighter than my need for revenge ever did.
Fear of forgetting why I’m here has me stepping away from her. I will have her, just not right now. Her finely-boned hand flits up to her mouth, red and swollen from my kisses.
I clench my jaw. This can’t happen. If I let it continue, Lulu will ring the death knell on my vow of vengeance. Her eyes burn into mine, asking a question I have no answer for.
Never again. I’m already obsessed with Lulu but tasting her has sent my body into a spiral. A spiral I fear I will fall into and never return from.
“Mymadrewould have loved you.” I speak the painful truth as I depart the kitchen. I won’t touch Lulu Valachi again. Not until I have what I came for.
Running my hands through my thick hair as I go, I notice I have flour on my shirt from where Lulu pressed herself against me. I brush the white powder off and pause as a set of legs appears in my periphery. My gaze travels the length of legs to the face of their owner, another Achilles’ heel.
“Won’t you come and sit with me?” Vivi asks, using her sweetest, most wheedling voice. Five minutes ago, I was outside with her. Laughing. I had, after all, won five thumb wars in a row. She wasn’t happy about it, and I’m sure she wants a rematch.
I look at her, feeling helpless. Like Lulu, Vivi has found a way to slowly thread herself through my broken heart. The sisters could have the power to heal me, but that comes hand in hand with the power to destroy. I faced that kind of destruction once; I won’t do so again.
“I have work to do,” I say to Vivi without meeting her gaze. I set my jaw, keeping myself from saying anything else.
She sighs dramatically. “Is this because I let you win?”
I glare at her, ready to tell her I won fair and square, when a slow smile spreads across her face. She was hoping for this reaction. Vivi’s confidence has come a long way in the last few months that I have been here. I don’t want to hurt her. I don’t want to undo even one fiber of confidence that has been woven into the girl. She’s an innocent, despite being a Valachi, and so very young. I’ll do everything I can to leave her whole.
But I can’t allow her access to me anymore. “I don’t want to play, Vivi. I have work to do.”
I walk past her, but not before I see the hurt latching onto her shoulders and dragging them down. Tightening my hands into fists, I refuse to stop or pivot or tell her I take my words back. I want to run out and declare a rematch just to see her face light up with glee. I want to erase the sorrow I just caused, and I could do so—in a heartbeat.
I have that kind of power.
It’s a power I would no longer use, though, because in the long run, it would be a disservice. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
My room is in the north tower of the house. The towers are not very tall, only three stories in height, but they serve their purpose in keeping me separate from the rest of the house and its occupants. While he likes the things I do for him, Lorenzo has always been firm that I am on the payroll and not part of his family. At first, I loved the seclusion, but as time passed and I grew closer to the girls, I found myself seeking them out. That will have to stop.
I cross through the arched doorway and walk to the elongated window overlooking the back lawns. There, beneath the oak tree, is Vivi, tapping away at her cell phone. I spin away from her and lick my lips, tasting Luciana and bitterness.
I had wanted to fuck her so badly. If she had encouraged me the slightest bit further, I wouldn’t have been able to stop. Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply, scenting the sweet floral fragrance that still clings to my clothes. I can almost picture her standing in front of me with flour in her hair and tears on her cheeks.
My cock is swollen, and my erection begs to be touched. I walk to the bathroom and strip off my clothes. Turning on the water and stepping into the shower, I allow the spray to stream across my body and give in to the carnal need that has taken over me.
Eyes closed, I hiss as I stroke my cock. If I try, I can picture Lulu’s small hands wrapped around my cock, her mouth struggling to take all of me, but I would try to push my cock down her throat anyway, fucking her sweet face.