Page 11 of Sugar and Splice
Something flares to life in his eyes. It’s as if the amber orbs catch fire. His nostrils flare, then that white-hot gaze slowly travels to my lips, slides down my body an inch at a time, and progresses even slower on the return trip back to my face. No. Not my face. My lips.
For the last twenty-four hours, I’ve been consumed by the surreal turn my life has taken. And, more recently, I’ve been preoccupied with getting to know Noble well enough to ensure there’s not another moment where our two guards are worried enough to clutch their guns.
I’ve ignored the elephant in the room. Or in this case, the lion. This male is interested in me. Sexually.
The fire in his gaze, the slow flicks of his tail, and the purr that is vibrating loud enough to be heard back at the dorm, they all tell the story. And the tent in his khakis that’s big and bold enough to make its presence known? It’s the icing on the cupcake announcing his prurient interest.
I need to shut this down. Immediately. No. That’s a bad idea. Not in front of our two guards. That would emasculate him. I’ll sit next to him at dinner and tell him in a private moment that I came here to do my time and walk away—single—with a fat stack of cash.
I’ll make it clear this isn’t personal. That it has nothing to do with his… lion-ness. That I just want to follow the rules and collect my pay.
His gaze arrowed to my breasts, then detoured to the apex of my thighs. Now it’s sliding back to my breasts.
Glancing down, I see the colorful material of my floral shirt does nothing to hide the outline of my hardened nipples. His eyes flare as he sniffs, none too subtly, and I wonder what he’s smelling. When his gaze dips to my crotch again, I get the distinct impression he’s scentingme.
Awareness slams into me with the force of a plane crash. I’m aroused. It’s not for Barton or Watson, cute as they are.
It’s for Noble. He’s handsome in an unusual sort of way, but what’s wrong with me that I’m attracted to him?
My thoughts may be focused on doing my time and what I’ll do when I leave here, but my body is consumed with this moment. In this moment, with an apex predator looking at me like I’m the yummiest thing in a ten-mile radius, my body is eating up the attention.
My nipples are beaded into needy points, my heartbeat is pulsing between my legs, and out of nowhere, some recessed corner of my mind demands to know what lion cocks are like.
Shaking my head, I return to the moment. As much as I’d like to deny it, I’m horny for the amber-eyed lion-man standing not five feet from me. And damned if he’s not painfully aware of it.
Chapter Ten
I need to break the spell between us. If something doesn’t stop us, I’m going to erase the distance between us, rip off her clothes, and mount her against the wall. My cock and balls are urging me to do that, which would end my participation in this program.
“Maybe you’re right.” I want to force my gaze from her face, but I can’t. “Maybe I’ve just never tasted anythingyummybefore.” I’d never met a female until last night, certainly never flirted before, but the emphasis I placed on the word “yummy” made it clear I’m not talking about food.
There. I’ve done it. I’ve embarrassed her. I’ll be lucky if I ever get to see her again. I need to fix this.
“Teach me? Teach me how to make food?”
Her brows were knit, and she was taking tiny, almost imperceptible steps backward, but at my request, she softens. Her shoulders relax and her breathing evens out. Her scent changes as her arousal fades.
It’s no wonder those scientists created splicers. They treated us like animals, but we’re superior in many ways. I can scent her emotions, making it so much easier for me to read her than for her to read me.
With her lack of fangs and claws, she’s defenseless. I vow never to use my extra abilities to take advantage of her.
“Good idea. I’ll teach you how to cook. We’ll come back tomorrow to finish cleaning. How about we return to the facility and I teach you some kitchen basics before I order supplies?”
“Somewhere along the line, we’ll work on small talk and avoidance of monosyllables.” Her lips tip in a wry smile. “It sounds like the plan is to help you guys fit in.”
Her gaze flits from mine. I wonder if we’re both thinking the same thing. When I picture walking down a crowded human street, a head taller than anyone else, my furred ears on the swivel, my tail lashing close to the ground as it hangs from under my coat, it doesn’t seem possible I’ll ever “fit in.”
I don’t mention it, though. She just offered to spend more time with me.
Because her bakery is so dirty, we’re both covered with dust. We agree to shower and meet in the kitchen in an hour.
Now, the four of us are crammed between the island with the stove and a wall that has two sinks.