Page 14 of Bengal Splice
The six males are here, along with Lucy. At first, there were cordial introductions. Though we’ve all been sharing the dining area for a few weeks now, not everyone had been properly introduced.
Then they all watched vids of the three numbers Ty wants to emulate, though he enthusiastically tells them he has original ideas and embellishments he wants to add once they get the basic steps down.
He introduced me, telling everyone how hard I’ve been working on what he described as my great costume ideas.
Now they’re all working on the foundational steps of the first song. I’m perched on the counter on the half-wall where I can watch all the action, yet stay out of the way.
I was having fun as I sketched costumes and glanced at the dancers from time to time. It went well until the second hour when it got hot in here. Six big males and one tiny human female all dancing and working up a sweat, raised the ambient temp in here by at least ten degrees and the a/c couldn’t catch up fast enough.
The guys were only too happy to shed their Hawaiian shirts.
I’d figured the shirts were an attempt by the powers that be to make the guys seem less threatening. But perhaps there was another reason. The thick cotton camouflaged all the muscles these guys are packing.
Left to their own devices, the splicers might have chosen bland t-shirts which would have hugged their bodies, furred or not, like a second skin. The Hawaiian shirts, between their wild floral design and the sturdy cotton, hid a lot.
Now I’m treated to a performance by a buffet of males not fifteen feet from me. I even have a bird's-eye view from where I’m sitting.
Most of the males are furred, although Nyx the naga has shimmering, iridescent scales. Even fur can’t cover the rippling muscles going through their paces right in front of me. Out of all the guys in the room, though, there’s only one my gaze can’t stray from. Ty.
It should be illegal for anyone to be built as well as him. Was it only a few weeks ago these guys terrified me? They were so foreign.
Now, though, I simply consider them exotic. And hot!
The shirts must have been special-ordered longer than standard issue. Now shirtless, I see how all the guys’ tails protrude through specially sewn holes in the seat of their pants.
I’m a terrible person, because I can’t keep my eyes off the seam of a certain tiger-guy’s ass. I’m lying to myself when I justify that I’m only interested because as soon as the fabric arrives, I’ll have to sew holes for all the guys.
Sure, I’ll need to figure out the hole placement and how that’s going to work, but if I’m honest with myself, I must admit I can’t keep my gaze off Ty’s buns. The khaki’s cotton twill does nothing to hide all the muscles on display. What was that old expression about bouncing a quarter off a guy’s ass? Whatever it was, it doesn’t do this male justice.
Finally, I force my gaze to travel up his perfect body, allowing myself to enjoy the ripples of his eight-pack, until my attention lands on his expression.
If there were a picture in the dictionary next to the word joy, it would be this male’s face. Some people travel to ashrams in India to find this level of bliss. Ty found it in performance dance. I’m thrilled for him, for all of them. If anyone deserves to find happiness, it’s these guys.
Seeing the sheer delight and exuberance on his face after everything he’s gone through, makes me admire him even more, as well as makes my stomach flutter with affection.
Perhaps Lucy notices the direction of my gaze, because she mock-fans herself, glances back at the male buffet, then mouths, “So hot,” to me as she winks. I guess I’m not the Lone Ranger in finding these guys hunky.
“That’s plenty for tonight,” Ty says, even as his glance darts reluctantly to the tablet that’s been blasting the music. “You’ve been amazing to work with. Did everyone have fun?”
When they all nod happily or say yes with enthusiasm, he continues. “I don’t want this to be grueling, but is everyone on board to practice again tomorrow night?”
“You know we’re all onboard,” Warren grumbles. “We’ll be here right after dinner.” Suddenly his eyes round in his face and his glance darts to Lucy. “Unless you want a night off?”
It’s a testament to her that she blended in with them so well they forgot she was a woman and just thought of her as part of the team.
“A night off? Are you kidding? You’ve all been practicing without me. I have some catching up to do.” She flashes Warren a smile, and I wonder if something sparked between the two of them. By the way his gaze flits from hers and he inspects the floor, I think the answer to that question is a big yes.
Soon the males retrieve their discarded shirts and everyone files out as I neaten the already-tidy contents of my computer bag. Perhaps I’m a terrible person, but for the last half hour, I’ve been figuring out how to manage walking back to the facility alone. Well, not alone. I want to take my time walking home with Ty.
Chapter Fifteen
“Can you give me a moment?” I ask Ty as I fiddle with nothing in particular in my bag. He probably knows I’m stalling. “I know we’ve got soldiers nearby, but would you mind waiting and walking me home?”
“Uh, sure.”
Since I’m pretending to peer deep in my bag I don’t see his face, but by the deep, rough timbre of his voice, I think he’s just as interested in being alone together as I am.