Page 16 of Bengal Splice
It takes me a moment to register what she just said and another moment to decide to follow her request.
I’m not sure I should get any closer to her. My animal instincts are still on high alert, adrenaline pumping, and bestial cravings swirling like a swift-running current through my body.
I must have been standing here a while, because she calls again, her tone full of honey. “Come join me, Ty.”
I’ve lost my mind, because some voice deep inside me insists she’s interested in more than being friends. That couldn’t be right.
I pad closer but stay five feet away as I stand in the street. If it weren’t for my enhanced vision, I wouldn’t be able to read her expression in that dark niche.
“Do you want me to call the soldiers so they can walk you home?”
“I want you to come here, out of sight of the cameras. The soldiers were probably watching and will be here soon enough to deal with that wolf. I’ll understand if you don’t want to kiss me, Ty, but if you do, please don’t keep me waiting. We don’t have much time.”
Her words run through my head three more times before I ensure I heard her right, then I prowl closer. Even though they forbid what they call fraternization with the women, they might have expected something like this because they pounded the idea of consent into our heads. Just to ensure I don’t hurt pretty little Olivia, I’ll make her repeat everything twice.
She’s so beautiful. I take a mental picture so I’ll never forget this moment. Her lush body is backed against the closed glass door, her brown eyes are luminous in the watery moonlight, her lips are slightly parted. But the most memorable thing about this moment is her scent billowing from her so abundantly I wonder if every male on this property can smell it.
A slight smile tugs at my lips as I reassure myself it’s not for everyone. It’s only for me.
“I’ll be your first kiss?” She tips her head in question. The way her gaze doesn’t leave my face tells me this isn’t a casual question.
“Yes.” I don’t know why she asked. She knows none of us had even been in the same room with a woman until the evening she and her nineteen friends walked through our door.
“I want it to be mine, too.”
This surprises me. They led us to believe women her age were most likely experienced.
“I’ve kissed men before, Ty, but I want to pretend I haven’t. I want to pay attention to every moment of this kiss as if it’s my first. Just like you.”
There’s something about this thought that disarms me. It carries a sweetness I imagine she’ll bring to the kiss. It entices me to put one foot in front of the other until I’m in the private little space next to her.
Her deep brown eyes are shining with compassion and kindness. We’ve been developing a friendship, but there’s nothing friendly about her expression. It’s affection.
I want her to know I feel the same way about her, but I want to tell her without words.
Her scent invades my nostrils. I love knowing I’m the cause of her arousal, but it’s just as exciting to be this close to her and catch the other smell, the one I can only identify as pure Olivia.
Her hair, unbound from its usual tail, falls around her face, framing her delicate features in a way that makes her look even more beautiful.
When her hand grazes my arm, I glance at her and our gazes meet. The intensity of the moment builds, just as my desire to kiss her ignites deep within me.
I’ve fantasized about this moment a thousand times since we met, but I never imagined the look in her eyes as it is right now. Even in the dim light, I see the heat in her glance as her lips tremble with just this gentle touch.
I mirror her, sliding my palm from her wrist to her elbow just as she’s touching me. Her naked skin is soft and almost slick compared to my pelt.
“Your fur is so soft, Ty. Like velvet.”
I grip her hand and pull it to my face, cupping her palm against my whiskers as I nuzzle my head back and forth. If we’re going to kiss, I don’t want them to frighten her and interrupt it. If my tiger-like features are going to make her pull away, it’s best to get that out of the way before our lips meet for the first time.
“Tickles,” she says, though there’s no laughter in her voice. “Let me see what it feels like against my cheek.”
I bend my knees but don’t lean toward her, letting her be the one to approach me.
She moves closer, but this time it’s she who nuzzles me. After one swift giggle, she’s silent as she lets my whiskers glide along her tender skin.
I want to ask if it’s terrifying, but I’m not that big of an idiot. She’ll let me know if there’s something she doesn’t like.