Page 21 of Bengal Splice
He sets his pen down and leans forward, lancing me with his gaze.
“Can I have your word you will keep your hands off each other until they leave? My chain of command is sure to have some ideas. I want them making their decisionsafteryou’ve impressed them with how well you’re integrating into society.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”
In the span of a few short minutes I went from thinking he was going to kill me and hide my body to making a promise to keep my hands off of Olivia for a few short weeks. How difficult could that be?
Chapter Twenty
I wasn’t surprised when three soldiers met me as I left the dining room and accompanied me to Mane Street Fashions. Any minute now, I imagine I’ll be called to Colonel Slater’s office and possibly dragged to wherever they keep the brig on this property.
I couldn’t eat a bite at breakfast, even though it may be my last meal as a relatively free person. A few of the other women shot me curious glances, but I kept my head down and didn’t stop to chat. I wasn’t in the mood to answer questions I have no answers for.
What surprises me is when Ty bounces into the shop, also accompanied by three soldiers. He’s got a wide smile on his handsome face and seems to be rocking out to whatever is on his earpods. From the way he’s gyrating, I’m not sure whether he’s listening to Bollywood, bubblegum pop, or Beethoven’s Battle Symphony.
Frankly, I don’t care. I’m just happy to see him.
“Olivia.” He nods at me cordially, the way two coworkers do when they arrive at work. Two coworkers who know each other casually and never recreate outside of work. Two coworkers who did not share the world’s most molten kiss last night.
Okay. Two can play at this game.
“Ty.” I give him a head nod with the same genial respect he gave me, then get down to business while six pairs of eyes watch our every move. “We should finalize the costumes and I need to, uh, take your measurements.”
Last night, before the soldiers threw him to the ground, if I’d thought about it, I would have been excited to take a certain tiger-guy’s measurements. Now, though, I don’t think it will be nearly as fun as it could be without an audience.
After I sit, he pulls a chair to the table, ensuring it’s a respectful distance from me, and we finalize the details on all three sets of costumes.
“I’ll start making the patterns as soon as we get you measured.”
I take my time as I look for something that will work as a platform for him to stand on. Finally, I shrug and give up. I’ll have to sit on the floor.
I escort Ty to the rear corner of the store to get a modicum of privacy. Luckily, three soldiers leave and the other three stay toward the front.
“What happened last night?” I whisper.
“House arrest. It was my meeting with Colonel Slater this morning that was interesting.”
I grab my tape measure, all business, while I wait for him to spill the tea.
“He says humans will not be pleased to hear we are species-mixing. He wants us to back off until his superiors come to watch us dance.”
Species-mixing! That expression sounds horrible, but I guess it’s accurate.
“What does watching you dance have to do with anything?”
“He thinks it will be good PR about splicers. They’ll be more invested in our happiness and will want to see us thrive.”
“So we back off until they leave and then…?”
“I don’t know how this will turn out. One thing I do know is that he worries we won’t be safe once this gets out beyond the confines of this facility.” He shrugs.
I imagine the Colonel is right. There will always be haters, people who don’t like change, who don’t like anyone who is different.
“Well, either they’re going to have to keep the existence of you splicers a secret forever, or it will make headlines. There’s no way around it. I’m not sure that splicers kissing human women is going to make things that much worse.”
For the first time today, our gazes meet and melt into each other. All the fear that was racing through my body settles down when his warm, golden gaze rests on mine.