Page 30 of Bengal Splice
“No!” I don’t shout it, don’t shake my head or make a scene, but that word is perhaps as forceful a sound as I’ve ever made.
Gripping Ty’s fingers even more tightly, I pull him down the street, to the south.
“Chance! Chance, wait up!” I call. Now I’m yelling loud enough to be heard all the way to the southern barracks, however far that is.
“Chance, come back and take a bow.”
We’ve never been introduced. I’m not sure he even knows who I am, and I’m probably asking him to break a rule.
“You deserve your moment of fame. You did such an amazing job of keeping the beat to the music while carrying a huge tiger-guy on your back. Come bask in the applause.”
“I- I…”
I don’t know what the brass was afraid of. Seeing him is as normal as seeing any of the other splicers I’ve grown friendly with.
His expression is tentative, unsure if he’s really wanted.
“Chance, you’re one of the best of us,” Ty says. “You deserve to be in the dorms with the males who’ve followed all the rules. Come back. If I have anything to say about it, you’re not going to spend another night in the southern barracks.”
When Chance reluctantlyclip-clopstoward us, Ty and I break our hold on each other’s hands and the three of us return to the audience, holding hands with Chance between us.
When I arrived a month ago, I was not Colonel Slater’s biggest fan. Even though I came of my own volition, I felt coerced. It wasn’t the military’s fault. If anything, I blameFashion Frenemiesand all those heinous #WeJustDon’tLikeYou hashtags.
But it was easy for me to target Slater. Yeah, he’s a hardass, a military guy through and through, but he’s never been unfair, never treated the males as if they’re less than human. If he has his way, he’s not even going to let them name this place Splicer Town. He wants something less belittling. I believe I heard him use the word “inclusive” the other day.
Right now, in front of a bunch of bigwigs and superiors, he does not disappoint.
“This is Chance,” he announces, then peers at the group of women. “Any objections to his living in the dorm and sharing the dining room with you every day?”
The women shrug. After only a month here, they seem oblivious to what the problem might be with Chance hanging out with them.
“Well done to the dance crew,” Slater says. “The cooks have prepared a buffet of Indian food at Ty’s request, and Jenna’s provided enough cupcakes and hot cocoa to fill even the largest stomachs.” With that, he smiles at Chance and directs some of the soldiers to show him to the dorm. He instructs another group of soldiers to escort the VIPs toward the military area behind the dorms.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Once the VIPs are heading toward the military area, Slater turns on his heel and searches the crowd. It’s clear he’s looking for me, because the moment he sees me, he strides over.
I lived with too much shit for too long to fear what’s coming next. I simply know it won’t be good. Catching the attention of the person in charge has never boded well for me in the past.
I thought I was his target, but he approaches both of us. When he asks Olivia to stay, my stomach cramps. He must have noticed the way we held hands. Even a blind man couldn’t miss the way we looked at each other while we were dancing. Neither of us could hide our affection.
“After what happened at the bake shop yesterday with Noble and Jenna, I realized there’s no stopping chemistry,” Slater says. “You two are part of what is proving this grand experiment is working. There’s no way they can shut the program down now, not after the dance, the standing ovation, and the way all of you get along.”
He’s building up to something. I just can’t fathom what.
“Sooner or later, I assume those of you who have become couples are going to get tired of sneaking around and having sex on countertops.”
I’m a grown male and know these things happen, but I can’t control the shock that jolts through me. Since Olivia and I have done no such thing, my money is on Noble and Jenna in her bakery. I bite my lips, trying not to smile.
“So I have an alternative.”
No longer afraid, I tuck Olivia closer, my arm around her waist. When I sneak a peek at her face, she’s blushing. I believe she would accuse Slater of what she would call TMI.
“Since we’re going to be confined here for two years without any time off, we’ve been building private Quonsets for the higher-ranking officers. The work on the dormitories and shops on Main Street came first, but the private residences are almost complete. Would… would you two like to check out the one that was just finished? It even has a few sticks of furniture in it.”
Is he asking what I think he’s asking? I’ve got tiger DNA. I’m bold. But not bold enough to ask.