Page 18 of Nice and Splicy
His little joke breaks the spell and we both laugh, although I know what he means. I’ve gone to bed with males who didn’t spark something as hot or deep as the simple act of feeling his hand in mine.
“What are you suggesting?” Somehow, I know he’s got a plan.
“I want to drop you at the office, then go to the barracks. When that desk comes, you’ll begin teaching me everything you can show me about computers. When the time is right, I want you to explore me as much as you like, and let me learn you in return—but not on the floor like we did earlier. You being near me like that will probably cause the same thing to happen again. And there aren’t even any tissues.”
We both laugh. For all he’s been through, Chance has a good sense of humor.
“As time passes, you’re going to tell me everything you’re comfortable sharing.” He squeezes my hand. “And if you want to know anything about me, I’ll tell you.”
I really like the idea. Hadn’t I already had similar thoughts? Well, not the abstinence thoughts, but the getting-to-know-each-other thoughts. I have a feeling he has something more to say, though, so I wait.
“And when we’re both ready, if you’re still interested, I want to do a hell of a lot more than kiss you, Jo.”
His burnished cheeks flash pink. His boldness must have shocked him.
Using the pad of my finger, I trace the outline of his top, then bottom lip as I consider my response.
“I like your plan, Chance. I want to get to know you too. Maybe someday you’ll tell me why you chose the name Chance.”
He laughs. “I didn’t choose the name. The name chose me.”
Chapter Sixteen
I never thought I would enjoy working with computers, but I love it. I’m not sure whether it’s because I truly love the work, or because it keeps me occupied, which prevents me from going crazy because of Jo’s proximity.
My standing desk came two days after we started working together, which was two weeks ago.
Jo gets up to peek around me.
“Wow! You do catch on quickly. If you’d asked me if someone could learn this much in JavaScript after only two weeks of training, I would have said that was impossible. It’s a pleasure to see you in action.”
I have to control my urge to puff out my chest in pride. I’m not sure if it’s because I received little praise in my life, or because those words are flowing out of Jo’s pretty pink lips, a look of obvious appreciation on her face.
“I packed us lunch.” As she steps away, she trails one finger along my forearm. It’s as if sparks flow along the path her finger travels. She has such a profound effect on me I can’t control my shiver.
“Lunchtime already?” I ask nonchalantly, though I’ve been glancing at the clock with increasing frequency as noon approached. Lunch break means Jo’s going to climb on my back and we’ll travel to the lake’s edge to share a picnic.
“I can’t wait, Chance. It’s only 11:30. Think we can cheat by half an hour?”
“Let’s go.” I grip her hand and lead her out of the building.
Jo has become a better rider, steadier on top of me, but because I’m so tall, there’s no way she can climb on my back without me kneeling for her.
“I feel like a queen when you do that,” she giggles.
I trot into the woods, slowing for that miraculous moment when we slip from full sun into the shelter of the green, leafy canopy. Somehow it signals that the workday is behind us and we can change our roles from teacher and pupil to… what? I don’t have a name for what we are. I just know it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
When we arrive at the lake’s sandy bank, Jo jumps down and lays out the blanket she snagged from the dorm linen closet. Soon we’re eating our sandwiches as we look at the lake.
Without having to discuss it, Jo always situates herself so her gaze is in the opposite direction of my cock, which still has a mind of its own. I spoke with Corporal Barton, who’s one of the kindest males here. He assures me I’ll gain control at some point, though I’m not sure about that.
As Jo licks a drop of mustard from her fingers, I have to stifle a groan and try not to imagine her little pink tongue in my mouth again. We’ve kept our promise to each other to go slow, although I know there are moments we would both like to do so much more than sit by the lake and talk.
Without even glancing toward my cock, she nonchalantly uses the blanket to cover the eager traitor that is twitching at the edge of my kilt. Once there’s no chance of accidental exposure, she lies with her head on my flank and points to the sky.