Page 28 of Nice and Splicy
“Oh, sure. There’s Mason the minotaur and Maverik the monk. Come to think of it, neither of those are predator species. They’re in the reject barracks.”
Her nose crinkles. Although it’s adorable, it signals I’ve said something that bothers her.
“The south barracks,” I correct.
“What about pursuing those friendships?”
“When I moved from there to the dorms, the soldiers didn’t allow me to go back to collect my things. They did it for me. They said it’s best to sever ties.”
Jo’s expression isn’t subtle. Her brow furrows, the corners of her lips turn down, and her lips pooch out.
“Sever ties, huh? We’ll see about this. I’ve got a plan.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
It would be an understatement to say Chance was not on board when I initially explained my plan. He was in the not-no-but-hell-no phase of concept discussions.
As time wore on, we laid down on the grass. He placed his weight on his flank, his lower legs sideways and his human body upright, with me nestled between his forelegs like we were for our first kiss in the office. Now that he’s got a longer kilt, we like to sit like this during our off time. It’s close and intimate and allows him to hug me tight and tuck me close.
I don’t give up easily and continue to drill down, making the plan more specific each time we talk about it. Finally, he agrees.
I think two things won him over. One is his genuine craving to not only see his friends, but to allow their relationships to grow. The other is that Slater, the commanding officer of the entire project, is my dad. I think it eliminates some of his fear that if we’re caught, he’ll again be banished to what he calls the reject barracks.
His handsome face, framed by his amazing silver hair, still expresses his worry.
“Do you want to back out? I feel like I’m pressuring you. I don’t want to do that.”
“It’s just…” He quits moving. He doesn’t do that often. His tail always swishes, or his fingers absently travel up the channel of my spine.
“It’s just what?” I tip my head as I ask.
“It’s just that if I get into trouble, I’ll never be able to see you again.Nothingis worth that.”
Heat rushes to my face as his words fly through me. It’s been quite an emotional day. Shit. I don’t want to cry a second time in a matter of hours. Even though he’s said he loves me, there’s something about hearing how much I mean to him that feels as if something else unlocks inside my heart, just as it did earlier in the ice cream shop with… my dad.
This has been a day for firsts. After taking a deep breath, I decide to go big or go home.
I lean closer, press my palm to his precious cheek, and make sure our gazes are locked when I say, “I’m in new territory. I guess we both are. You’re a virgin and I’m…” I force a laugh, “not. But this is new to both of us. I’ve never…” I breathe deeply and force myself to keep going. “I’ve never felt so much affection for anyone I’ve dated before.”
Sliding my fingertips up his muscled arms and down his bare back, I say, “Tell me what you want. I’ll help you make it happen. If you want to see your friends, let’s go. If you don’t want to risk it, it’s all good. I just want you to be happy.”
He thinks for a long while. As he does so, his fingers sift through my hair. If I was a betting woman, I’d bet he doesn’t even know he’s doing it. It’s as if neither of us can keep our hands off each other. It’s as natural as breathing.
“Let’s do it,” he says, slashing me a smile. “In fact, let’s have fun with it.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
I’m not surprised when I see Jo in the shadows, waiting for me. I assumed she’d get here first. Not only is she a tiny female, but she’s the colonel’s daughter and I doubt they watch her as closely as they watch us splicers. It was easy for her to slip out of her dorm in the middle of the night.
Me, on the other hand, I’m big as a horse. Ha ha. Funny how so many old expressions are so true. Between the noise my hooves make, no matter how stealthy I try to be, and my sheer height and girth, it’s a miracle I got out without tipping off the guards. I guess it’s a good thing all of us splicers have been so compliant. The soldiers have gotten complacent.
I move slowly toward where she’s standing at the edge of the woods and only pick up my pace when I’m far enough from the military barracks that they won’t hear me. Moments later, I’ve helped Jo onto my back and I’m picking my way between the trees.
We’ve decided to go through the woods as far as the lake, then skirt the edge of the lake. There’s no way to travel the last tenth of a mile without being fully in the open as we head to the southern barracks.