Page 18 of Mail Order Mockery
She and Nancy spent the morning cutting out Nancy’s dress and fitting it to her. When Mary Sue arrived just before noon, she cared for the smaller children while Nancy and Jessica spent the afternoon sewing.
As Nancy didn’t know how to handle the sewing machine, Jessica gave her the job of hand-sewing the little things that couldn’t be done on the machine. Mary Sue watched them while the little ones napped.
“I’ve never actually seen a sewing machine used,” Mary Sue said. “It’s so fast!”
Jessica nodded. “And I have sewing to do for all four children, and I’ve noticed George needs some new shirts as well. This sewing machine will be a real timesaver. Then I’ll have more time for what I really love. Cooking.”
“Well, I may be begging you to let me come over with my sewing to use it.”
“No need to beg. Any time I’m not using it, you have my permission to use it yourself.”
Mary Sue smiled. “I thought I’d be teaching you about sewing and cooking, and here you are, teaching me all kinds of things. I’m so glad you’re here, Jessica.”
“I appreciate your help with the children.” Jessica removed the mostly finished dress from the machine. “Now we just need to hem it, and it’s done.”
“I’m going to have you teach me to use that thing.”
Nancy smiled, hugging the dress to her. “It’s beautiful, Jessica!”
“I think so too.”
Chapter Seven
Everyone was happy with Jessica’s jam rolls for dessert. Not a crumb was left when they were finished with the meal. “I’ll have to make those more often,” she said as she cleared the table.
“Every night would work for me,” George told her, a twinkle in his eye that she hadn’t seen before.
“I don’t know about every night…” Jessica said with a laugh. “But I’ll try to do them at least once a month or so.”
“Are you going to make apple jelly?” Nancy asked.
“You know, I hadn’t thought of apple jelly. Maybe we could make some next weekend. Would you like to help?”
Nancy smiled, nodding emphatically.
Jessica and Nancy did the dishes together, and once they were finished, Nancy tried on her new dress. Jessica smiled. It was the first dress for a girl she’d made, and it had turned out beautifully. “I’ll work on the other dress just as soon as I’ve harvested and processed all the apples.”
“I’m just happy to have a new church dress,” Nancy said, twirling before running into the parlor to show her father.
George smiled as his oldest child spun around for him to see the way her skirt flared. “It’s beautiful. Just like my little girl.”
Jessica walked into the room just in time to hear his praise, and she smiled to see Nancy hugging him. George seemed to be softening now that he wasn’t as stressed about when the house would be clean and where their next meal would come from.
Jessica and George put the children to bed together and retreated down the stairs. “Let’s go for a walk,” George suggested.
Jessica was surprised. “But the children…”
“Nancy will take care of things. She’s old enough.” George didn’t wait for an answer but walked toward the front door, holding his hand out for hers.
Jessica was surprised to see the gesture. He’d only touched her a couple of times since the wedding, and both were to help her in and out of the wagon.
When she put her hand in his large one, he folded his fingers around hers, holding hers tightly. Once they were outside, he spoke. “You’ve done so much in the short time you’ve been here. I want you to know I notice and appreciate everything you do.”
Jessica smiled. “Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.”
He headed toward the apple trees that stood in a line along a road where only wagons on the farm went. “I know my actions may appear strange, but I love my children. Sometimes it’s hard to look at them because they remind me so much of their mother.”
“I can understand that,” Jessica said. “It must be hard to have four little constant reminders of her.”