Page 2 of Searching in Scranton
All those years ago, Nate had planned to go to NYU with her, but two weeks before graduation, his father had a stroke, and his right side was paralyzed. He was no longer able to do the construction work that had been Nate’s family’s bread and butter for so long.
So, Nate had selflessly agreed to take over the family business, where he’d worked every day since he was old enough to hold a hammer without hurting anyone.
They had planned to write each other weekly, and they’d done a lot of Facetime calls, though all of that had stopped before Christmas break of her sophomore year. It just wasn’t the same as being together.
The last she’d heard, he was dating someone, and they seemed very happy. She was happy for him, but not so happy for herself. She’d always wanted to ask about him, but she’d stopped. He didn’t need her name dredged up over and over again.
She sighed dramatically. Her bedroom was just the way she’d left it when she’d moved out all those years ago, and there was still a picture of her and Nate at their senior prom. He held her close, and she’d had stars in her eyes.
Shelby picked up the picture and put it face down on the top shelf of her desk. She had no desire to think about Nate any longer. Besides, Dr. Lachele was going to match her to the right man for her.
It was shortly after ten the following morning when the doorbell rang, and Shelby’s mother called her name. Shelby was dressed in a pair of jeans and a scrub top because she hadn’t taken the time to wash real clothes in a little while.
She went to the door, ready to go, only to find her mother talking to a purple-haired woman with crazy eyes. “You must be Shelby!” the woman said.
Shelby swallowed hard. This woman had a PhD in psychology? Did she get it in a cereal box? “Yes, I’m Shelby.”
“I think we’ll have you married by the end of next month,” the crazy woman said.
So, itwasDr. Lachele. Wow. This was going to be more interesting than she’d expected. “It’s good to meet you, Dr. Lachele.”
“It is good to meet me!” Dr. Lachele said, before throwing her head back and laughing, her purple hair bouncing with the action.
Shelby exchanged a glance with her mother, who seemed mildly amused by the other woman. “Have a good day, Shelby.”
“I plan to,” Shelby said. She’d learned long before that you didn’t have good days by not starting them on the right foot.
Dr. Lachele grew serious and looked at Mom once more. “I’ll leave a check for the mailbox damages. I know that kind of mailbox usually costs a couple of hundred to replace. Just fill in the amount.”
Shelby looked at her mother again, but her mom just nodded. “No problem. I won’t take advantage of you.”
“You can’t! You’ll be seeing me for a wedding soon!” Dr. Lachele laughed again—cackled may have been a better word for it. She amused herself a great deal. Her eyes landed on Shelby. “Don’t worry, I’m not certifiable. Not yet anyway. You ready?”
Shelby nodded. “Do you want me to follow you?” Following might be the best answer since the woman seemed to be quite adept at hitting objects that werenotin motion.
“Oh, no, sugar nipples. You get the full Dr. Lachele experience, which means you get to ride in my SUV.”
Shelby nodded, not sure what else to do. Surely, she wouldn’t die because they were staying in Scranton. Or maybe she would. “All right,” she said cheerfully. “I’ll be home tonight, Mom.”
Adding that last part made her feel a little safer. Dr. Lachele wouldn’t dare do anything dangerous with her mother waiting for her. Or would she?
Shelby got into the older woman’s car and buckled her seatbelt securely. Then she looked for the handle. Like most intelligent adults, she knew the handle wouldn’t save her in an emergency, but she felt safer holding onto it.
“Where are you staying?” she asked.
“Mohegan in Wilkes-Barre. There’s a casino, and I booked us for massages and pedis.”
“And we’re going to do this deep delve into my life while we’re getting massages and pedis?” How could they do that with a massage? They’d be in different rooms!
“We’ll work it out. I only need eight hours, and I feel like I can keep you for twelve.” Dr. Lachele took the stop sign at the end of her mother’s street as a suggestion, and almost hit a trash truck. “I swear they weren’t there five seconds ago!”
“Most vehicles do move instead of sitting still!” Shelby said, saying a silent prayer that she wouldn’t end up as roadkill.
“Oh, and I made reservations for us at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse there in the hotel. I don’t know if you like steak, but I do, and I’ll be thrilled to go there.”
“Sounds good,” Shelby said, wondering what that would cost her. She had some money, but she was trying to save to get her own place. But maybe the man Dr. Lachele matched her with would have his own place. That could work.