Page 101 of Man Possessed
His person isn’t currently with us, and he’s being a fucking grump.
“Why am I here?” Ian groans. I nudge him in the ribs with my elbow, giving him a look that makes him roll his eyes and shut up.
“Because Kiwi wanted us to meet everyone,” I say for the millionth time today.
“Yeah, but why amIhere? You’re his girlfriend.” He throws his hand toward me.
“And he’s claimed you as his,” I sigh, pinching between my eyes. “I don’t know, Ian. He asked for you to come, so you’re here. Talk to him about it.”
“Ready?” Ezra jogs to us, a giant smile lighting his face. The clubhouse door bangs shut behind him, the sound making me wince. I nod and try to stomp my growing anxiety down. He taps Ian’s head, then wraps his arm around my waist, yanking me to his side. “Everyone is already inside.”
I glance at Ian and give him a reassuring smile as Ezra ushers us into The Brotherhood’s clubhouse. I blink a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the sudden dimness, and look around. It’s not what I was expecting.
There’s exposed brick, beautiful dark hardwood floors, industrial lighting, and a little old bar against the back wall. A pool table sits in front of it, and a few tables and booths are scattered around the room.
Addie and Heather are standing together, and I reign my jealousy back at the sight of her. Ezra and I talked about this—they were just a fling. An emotionless fling.
There’s a blond man standing beside Addie, and he looks completely enamored by her. I grin to myself thinking about Bash beating the shit out of him if he caught him staring at his girl like that. But she’s always had that effect on people.
At the café, she took no one’s shit, but all the customers still loved her. They loved Koda, too, but that’s because no one can hate her. She’s way too sweet to be hated.
Ezra guides us to the small group, and they stop talking. Addie’s face lights up when she sees me, then her mouth falls open when she looks at Ian.
“Holy shit,” she breathes. “I just saw you. How are you this tall already?” I glance at him, finding his face bright red as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Hey, Addie,” he says with a lopsided smile.
“Oh my God!” she says, looking at me. I shrug, unable to hide the smile on my face. “Your voice! You sound like—”
“A man?” I ask, and she nods. “Yeah, it’s fucking with my head, too.” She laughs, but still looks in complete shock. I don’t blame her. Ian shot up practically overnight.
“Hey, Heather,” he says, trying to drop his voice more. His face reddens when she winks at him, and I pointedly clear my throat. She slides her eyes to me, a wicked grin curving her full mouth.
“We’ll talk when mama bear isn’t around,” she teases.
“Try it and you’ll find mama bears are harmless compared to me.” Her brows raise, but she gives me an appreciative smile.
“I knew I liked you, Kennedy,” she says. I don’t smile back, and Ezra pinches my side. I snap my head toward him, barely refraining from flashing my teeth. I calm down when I realize he’s staring at me the same way that guy was staring at Addie. It makes something in my heart swell, but I can’t show that so I roll my eyes and look back at the group.
“This is August,” Ezra says, clapping the other blond man on the shoulder. I scan him from head to toe and back, and have to admit he’s pretty. He’s an inch or two taller than Ezra, and his hair is a darker blond, but his eyes are just as blue. They could be brothers. “He’s one of my oldest friends in The States. We met when I was eighteen and he was sixteen.”
“Let me guess,” I say dryly. “You met surfing?” August throws his head back and laughs.
“Fuck no, I don’t surf,” he says, his white teeth blinding in the dim lighting. “I beat the fuck out of him for hitting on my mom.”
“He has a thing for moms apparently,” Ian grumbles, and my head swivels to him, my eyes wide. His eyes are just as wide, like he hadn’t meant to say it. There’s a brief pause before everyone, including myself, erupts in laughter.
“What can I say?” Ezra says, wiping his eyes. “MILFs are my weakness.” I slap his shoulder, but he stays grinning.
“Fuck off,” I laugh, and his arm tightens around my waist as he kisses my temple.
“Wait. This is your kid?” August points to Ian and I proudly nod. “How old are you?” He scans me again, and I laugh.
“Thirty,” I say. “He’s fifteen.” His brows lift.
“Shit,” he breathes, scrubbing his hand over his mouth, eyeing me again. “You were just a baby yourself.”
“Yep.” I glance up at Ian, finding him staring down at his feet. He’s always felt weird about me being a teen mom. He feels like he ruined my life, or took my youth from me, but I don’t see it that way. Since I had him so young, I get more time with him. “I’d do it again,” I gently nudge him with my elbow and he looks at me, “in a heartbeat.” The corner of his mouth barely tucks up, and I nudge him again, hiding my own smile.