Page 111 of Man Possessed
“Ez,” she sighs, her shoulders slumping. As she opens her mouth again, the toaster pops and our waffles are ready. I drop them on our plates, and when I look up, I find her still standing in front of me, looking unsure.
Sighing, I grab my plate and side-step her, making my way to the table and setting the plates beside each other. By the time she makes her way over, the boys are done with their food and on their feet, aiming for the front door.
“Tell your mother bye,” I call over my shoulder. Everyone pauses, but I ignore them as I slide on to my chair. “And tell her you love her.” Again, I’m met with silence. I take a sip of my milk and sigh happily. Extra chocolatey.
“Bye, Mom,” Ian says hesitantly. “Love you.”
“Love you, too, bud,” she laughs. “You have everything you need? Both of you?”
“Yes,” he groans, and she laughs again.
“Just gotta check, you know?” I can hear the smile, the love and warmth in her voice, and it goes straight to my chest. “Have a good day. Ez can pick you both up this afternoon, if you want.” I glance over my shoulder at her and she gives me a questioning look.
“I don’t wanna ride bitch,” Ian says and I bark out a laugh.
“I’ll have my car,” I say around a bite of eggs. “I’ll even let one of you drive home.” Their faces light up as they glance at each other, then me.
“It’s the Camero, right?” Enzo asks, and I nod, grinning.
“Yeah,” I say. “Goes zero-to-sixty in five seconds—”
“Dear God,” Kens breathes as she drops her head back. “Please keep my kid safe.”
“With my life,” I vow, putting my hand to my chest. Enzo nudges Ian with his elbow and they have a silent conversation, then Ian nods.
“I forgot,” he says. “We need to go to Enzo’s place and grab the last of his stuff.” Kennedy and I look at each other, and I wipe my mouth with a napkin before turning fully toward them.
“I’ll take you by there,” I say, and Enzo shakes his head.
“We can go,” Ian says. “We’ll just walk home.”
“Will your dad be home?” Kennedy asks warily.
“No,” Enzo says. “He had to work out of town this week.” Her throat bobs as she swallows. She glances at me again, and I subtly shrug.
“Call one of us if you need anything,” I say seriously, and they both nod. Kennedy’s chest rises as she takes a deep breath, then slowly releases it.
“Go,” she says after a tense moment of silence. “You’re going to be late.” She gives each of them a quick peck on the cheek before sending them on their way.
She stares out the window for a moment, her hand on her chest as she watches them. I move behind her, finally wrapping my arms around her and resting my chin on her shoulder. Her hand rests on my forearms as we watch the boys get on the bus, laughing.
“You’re a good mom,” I whisper. She blinks a few times and shakes her head as she turns toward me. “He’s lucky to have you. They both are.” She laughs breathily as she looks at the window again as the bus drives off.
“He’s a good kid,” she says. “He makes it easy.”
“He’s a good kid because you’re a good mom,” I say, and she shakes her head again. “Stop doubting yourself.” Her eyes close as she takes a deep breath and nods.
“You really think so?” she asks in such a small voice it breaks my heart. I step back enough to spin her around, planting my hands on her hips as she stares up at me.
“You’re an incredible mother,” I say seriously. Tears line her eyes and she quickly blinks them away. “He would do anything for you because he knows you’ll do anything for him. You love him, and it’s a beautiful, real love that a lot of kids never get to feel from their mothers. Don’t ever doubt yourself, Kens. Truly good kids don’t come around often, but good mothers? They’re even rarer.”
“Ez,” she breathes, understanding blooming on her face. I shake my head as I squeeze her hips, then drop my hands away.
“Let’s eat,” I say, turning toward the table. She catches my hand, forcing me to stop and look back at her.
“You can talk to me about it,” she says quietly, her eyes searching mine. “About anything. I’m here.”
“I know,” I say, my throat tight. She stares at me for another moment, then takes a deep breath, slowly releasing it.