Page 37 of Man Possessed
“She’s not the type to kiss and tell,” he says. I scrunch my brows together.
“What does that have to do with anything?” I ask, and he sighs.
“Man, you just said we could compare notes. So, obviously, you’ve slept together—”
“We didn’t, though,” I say, cutting him off. “We just hooked up, but didn’t fuck.” He scrubs his hand over his face.
“She doesn’t like people in her business.”
“But I thought you two were close.” I use air quotes around the word before folding my arms over my chest to glare at him. He shakes his head, then wraps his hand around the back of his neck.
“We’re friends,” he says. “We slept together years ago when we were both drunk. But we’re friends first. I mean, I wanted to be with her, but she’s not the relationship type, you know?” I stare down the hall, wanting to see through the walls and rooms to see if she’s okay. “She has a hard time here, you know, being a woman who’s crazy fucking hot.” I snap my head back to him.
“Don’t.” He grins, and I know he’s just taunting me. “Fuck you.” He grins broader, and I turn toward the hall, ready to chase her when my phone vibrates. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before pulling it from my back pocket. Without looking at who called, I answer and bark, “What?”
“Need you at the clubhouse,” Bash says briskly.
“For what?” I grip my phone tighter, my eyes still trained on the door at the end of the hall.
“Belfast is here, but isn’t fucking talking to anyone. Only you and Ry know how to communicate with him, and Ry isn’t answering his fuckin’ phone.” He sounds more irritated than usual, and I sigh as I scrub my hand over my face.
“Give me thirty minutes,” I grumble.
“Where are you?”
“The Crossroads,” I say, huffing out a breath.
“Should only take you fifteen to get here,” he says. “Ten if you hurry.”
“Give me—”
“Now,” he snaps, using his Prez voice. I drop my head back and let out a long breath.
“Fine. I can’t stay long,” I say, but he hung up as soon as I said fine. I want to throw my phone against the wall, but I don’t. Honestly, I should get an award for that alone. Turning toward Archer, I study him. Do I really want to invite him? “Wanna go to the clubhouse?” His brows lift and he glances down the hall.
“What about—”
“I’ll talk to her later,” I sigh. My fingers tangle in my hair as I try to comb them through, so I yank roughly on it.
“I think you should—”
“You coming or not? I don’t have time for this.” I walk past him, hitting his shoulder with mine. He hesitates, but quickly follows after me as I shove the door open and step out into the balmy night. “Can’t fucking believe this.” I slide onto my bike, immediately turning it on.
“What’s going on?” Archer asks over the rumble of our bikes.
“Bash can’t talk to Belfast, and apparently, I’m the only fucking one who can do it.” I grip the handlebars tighter, then take off down the street before he can say anything.
As Bash predicted, it takes only fifteen minutes to get to the clubhouse. Archer is with me, keeping close to my side as we walk into the Chapel. Bash is glaring at Belfast while he sits calmly in Reid’s usual chair, staring back at Bash. Addie shifts uncomfortably in her chair, then glances at me.
“Thank God you’re here,” she breathes, then immediately looks to Belfast. “I just meant—I haven’t seen Kiwi in a while and—”
“It’s fine, babe,” I say. “He’s pretty much a robot.” Belfast grunts as he turns his eyes to the laptop. “See?” Addie gives me a pleading look, and I laugh. “What was so important that you needed me here?” Bash turns his attention to me, his eyes dark.
“Excuse me?” he says in a low voice.
“Come on,” I say, rolling my eyes. Addie puts her hand on his forearm and squeezes gently. He glances at her and sighs, then leans back in his chair.
“I can’t get him to tell me anything.” He throws his hand toward Belfast, and I swear his lips fucking twitch. That’s the closest thing to a smile I’ve ever seen from him.