Page 68 of Man Possessed
Not anymore.
Neither of them are mine anymore.
I stalk down the steps to the kill room in the basement, my hands tightening into fists at my sides as I kick the door open. Ginger’s head snaps up, his face pale under the dried blood.
“Hey, motherfucker,” I say, jerking my chin at him. “Ready for some more fun?”
“I thought—” His voice is raw from his screams, his lack of water. Piss surrounds his chair and I snarl at it, at him, at the fucking world. “I thought after I gave you that information, you’d leave me alone.”
“Yeah, you thought fucking wrong,” I say, stalking to the table in the back. I pull my box to me and sift through it, trying to find something fun to play with. Something that’ll make him squeal like a little piggy.
I never said I was a good man, or a sane one.
Pulling the pliers from the box, I turn toward him, a smile spreading across my face. He barely lets me take a step forward before he starts begging, his voice rising with each word as he stares at the pliers.
“P-p-pl-please,” he says, his body trembling. “What else do you want to know?”
“There’s more you can tell me?” I ask, tilting the pliers back and forth, taunting him. His eyes widen as he realizes his mistake. “You really are a fucking rat. Ratting on us, ratting on Daddy.” I shake my head as I push off the table. “Do you have any honor?” I clutch my fist to my chest as I stalk toward him. “Do you have any morals or loyalty? Don’t you care about anyone but yourself?”
His eyes stay locked on the pliers, but I move behind him, crouching to get closer to his hands. They’re too red and swollen in the tight bindings, but I don’t really give a fuck.
Twisting his hand, I pick which finger I want to fuck with first. I press the pliers onto one of his nails and gently tug, just enough to make him scream in fear, not pain.
“Please, man,” he says, his voice breaking. He’s close to sobbing. “Please—”
“Please, what?” I ask, tugging harder on his nail. “Did you really think we’d just…let you go? After you threatened our girl?”
“It wasn’t real,” he cried. “It was just—” I don’t let him finish speaking. I yank hard and rip his nail off.
His scream echoes around the room, full of agony.
I move around him and hold his nail in his face. “Look,” I say, tilting it back and forth.
“You’re fucking psychotic!” he screams. “What the fuck! You fucking—” His eyes finally focus on the nail, and he freezes. He leans to the side and retches, and I roll my eyes.
Why is it all men have a weak stomach when it comes to torture? Whether they’re the ones torturing or the ones being tortured.
Just be a fucking man and get over it, you know?
I drop the nail to the floor and move behind him again, ready to pull off the rest of his nails, mostly because I’m annoyed now. I grip a nail and begin to tug tauntingly on it when the door opens.
“Kiwi!” Bash barks, and I roll my eyes as I push to my feet, staring at him over Ginger’s head. He’s still sobbing and gagging, and just generally freaking out. It’s annoying as shit and fucking with me. This was supposed to be my peaceful time, but he’s fucking it all up. “What the fuck are you doing in here?”
“Playing,” I say with a small shrug. “Needed to do something to take the edge off.”
“So go take a few shots or fuck someone, go for a fucking ride, I don’t care. But don’t fuck with our captives without my permission.” He glares at me from the doorway, his face furious. “Get the fuck out. Right now.”
“No!” he shouts. “Out. Now.” I huff out an irritated breath. That one nail didn’t relax me enough to sleep through my misery.
Ride it is, I guess.
I toss the pliers back into the box and head for the door, ignoring Ginger’s slumped body. He must’ve passed out. Pussy.
Bash is still standing in the doorway, his eyes hard as he glares at me. He steps out of the way, letting me storm past. He grabs my arm before I can ascend the stairs.
“What the fuck is going on with you?” he snarls.