Page 1 of Gone With the Sandy
Forrest Gump said it best when he said, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” And fuck if that wasn’t the case with Xavier Rawlins, the guy who lived totryto make my life hell. The truth was though, I got off on all the bullshit he spewed at me. Guess I had a thing for humiliation and degradation. At least, I did when it came to him.
But I could never get a read on him. Some days, he pretended like I didn’t exist. Others, he stared at me like he wanted toconsumeme. Then, there were days like today when he was focused on getting under my skin and doing his best to make my life a living hell.
But really, all he was accomplishing today was giving me a massive fucking headache…and a hard-on.
I’d never had a problem with Xavier, and though I probably should by now, I still didn’t. Grudges were a waste of time and energy. In a few months, we’d all be graduating, and I’d be leaving shortly after to head to Fort Benning, Georgia for basic training. None of these guys were on my radar.
Well, except Xavier. And I mean, why wouldn’t he be? He was gorgeous with dark, wavy hair that hung over into his eyes, always in need of a haircut, and his eyes were equally as dark. I also knew that when he was turned on (even if he was trying to hide it from me), those dark eyes turned into melted pools of dark chocolate.
My favorite kind of candy.
“I think it’s bullshit we all have to share a changing room with a fucking—”
I arched a brow at Xavier when he looked in my direction. “I’d advise you not to complete that sentence, Xavier,” I coolly warned him. I put up with a lot of his shit, mostly because I found it amusing, but even I had my limits. And being called a faggot was one of those.
I fuckinghatedthat word.
He scoffed but chose to be smart. “Keep your eyes pointed at your locker,” he bit out before turning away to snatch his shirt off. Just to irritate him and make him squirm, I blatantly stared at him, a smirk on my lips.
Xavier was perfection—hard muscle everywhere, not an ounce of fat on his lean body. He was a track star and also competed on the swim team, which meant right now, he was bare of any hair. And fuck if I didn’t love it—secretly, of course. Telling Xavier I was hard for him might get my ass kicked by his buddies. While I wanted to taunt him, I wasn’t keen on getting involved in a fight. My record had to stay clean for the military.
Feeling my stare on his back, Xavier turned his head, a disgusted look twisting his features when he caught me staring. But was it really being caught when Iwantedhim to see me watching?
“Fucking look away, perv,” he snapped, but there wasn’t as much bite to his words as there should’ve been, and I could see his cock through the imprint of his shorts; the fucker was half-hard.
Man, what I wouldn’t give to show him how good it could be with a guy.
I justslowlyran my eyes over him, watching the way his fingers tightened on his shirt before he moved it in front of his stiffening cock. I looked back up, letting his dark eyes meet my blue ones before I licked my lips and readjusted my dick in my briefs, not giving a fuck if he saw how hard I was.
His cheeks flushed, his eyes widening the slightest bit. His tongue slipped out to lick over his bottom lip, and I bit back a groan.
I’m on to you, Xavier, I thought.You’re not as good at hiding your sexuality as you think you are.
I turned away, ignoring the muttering he was doing with his little friends. I heard my name being tossed around along with a few derogatory words, but I ignored them, focusing on changing and getting into the gym on time.
Someone shoved me, slamming me against the lockers. I groaned when my nose hit the metal, blood spurting from it. I clenched my fists at my sides, forcing myself not to retaliate. My future was more important than Xavier’s concern over being outed.
Xavier leaned into me, his hand on the back of my neck. He tightened his grip to the point I knew I’d be wearing his bruises for a few days. I bit back a moan. I loved being handled roughly.
“You try some shit like that again, and I’ll become your worse fucking nightmare,” he hissed. “Consider the bloody nose a fucking warning.”
With that, he stormed out of the locker room. I licked the blood off my lips, tasting the metallic flavor on my tongue before I headed into the bathroom to clean my face up.
…And get my dick under control.
I’d been home for months now, and it still didn’t feel normal.
What was normal even like anymore? I had no fucking clue. I didn’t know how to be a civilian anymore.