Page 11 of Running
He whispers “Elena”.
“Stay. Please. I want to get to know you.”
“No?” He questions as though he can’t believe she would deny him while hanging out a second story window.
“I don’t want a relationship with you. If not for her getting sick I never would have shown my face to you. You may have moved on, but she never did. You broke her heart and your so called family ruined her life. I won't ruin you. Not yet. So don't cross me. I have nearly twenty years of abandonment issues ready to rain hell on you. Just think of today as a tiny taste. One you don’t want seconds of.”
In a flash she is gone from the window and climbing down the stone wall. Bosco and I rush to the window. Massimo and Ricco are at the other one. Hidden in the bushes is a small motorcycle. She lifts the branches that she used for camouflage. Before she kick starts it there is a large boom from the far side of the compound. We can see the smoke from the window. Guards from all around run from the front gate and the house to inspect it. No doubt preparing for an attack or invasion.
None comes.
It was a diversion.
I watch as Elena drives out of the bushes. The main gate opens as she approaches and she glides past without any issue.
“What the fuck just happened?” I ask. I can’t help but to shake my head at the whole morning. Santo is a traitor, Tony a rapist, the Don was married before, he has another daughter, and the daughter is a psycho.
“Do you think she was telling the truth?” My dad asks as he moves back away from the window. His eyes scan the walls and ceiling no doubt looking at the cameras like I have been. They were here for our safety, but it seems they were turned against us. We’ll need to double up on our defenses. If what Elena says is true, she may not be a problem again. With the news she dropped, we can assume the Cartel will be. We need to prepare.
“Were you really married to her?” Pipes in Massimo.
Shit. That could complicate things.
“Yes.” Bosco swipes his hand through his hair.
He shakes his head. “No. I believed she was dead. making me a widow and free to remarry.”
“Fuck.” My father says as he moves to the center of the room and begins to pace. “If you weren’t divorced and Violet’s not dead, your marriage to Ravinia isn’t legal.”
Oh shit.
“Which means Milan is my illegitimate daughter.” Bosco says in response to the unasked question.
“And Elena is your rightful heir.” I add.
“The council won’t allow Luca to marry Milan and take over if she is my illegitimate daughter.” I can’t say it out loud because it would make me sound like a dick. But thank god! I did not want to marry Milan. I see the struggles Bosco goes through with Ravinia and I’d be getting her mini me.
It’s been seven years since the contract was signed and I have done my best to avoid Milan like the fucking plague. She’s at the age where girls start to take an interest in guys. On more than one occasion she has hunted me down. She wants me to give her a ring now. Not happening. Fifteen is too young. I can’t and won’t cross that bridge.
I’d like to say that is the worst of it. It’s not. Her mother is just as bad. She is like a little vulture. Swooping in at every opportunity to throw Milan at me. I try my best to be polite and extract myself from their claws nicely. It doesn’t always work. I’ve had Milan run off crying at least twice on me in the last year.
Aside from her actions, her outfits make me cringe. It’s like Ravinia is trying to sex up her fifteen year old daughter so I claim her early. She wears high heels. Every day, everywhere! And the make-up, the fake nails, and tight dresses…ugh! I’m all for a woman expressing herself and feeling confident in their own skin. It’s a major turn on. In Milan’s case. It’s a turn off. Not that I needed an off. Underage girls don’t do anything for me. I don’t look twice at them.
Bosco has tried to reign Milan and the mother in. It just leads to whining and headaches. The Don doesn't have time for it. We just ended a second war with the Irish, the Russians are breathing down our necks and now we have learned that the Cartel had insider information on us.
“Elena.” Says Massimo to no one in particular.
Apparently I’m not the only one thinking about her. “We need to find her. We don't know what else she knows.” Says Ricco. “We need to find out what she can tell us about the Cartel.”
“She seemed to know an awful lot about Santo and his schemes.” Adds Massimo.
Bosco is deep in thought. He hums in agreement but I’m not sure he was listening.