Page 14 of Running
I don’t envy her. I respect her. To a small degree I trust her. As much as I can anyway.
I answer the phone, before I can greet her, Luna speaks. “How did it go?”
A laugh escapes me. “You know how it went.”
“Of course I know how it went. But I still like to hear it from you.” She was watching the cameras. Having my back from a distance like always.
I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. It’s probably the most genuine happiness I have felt in a long time. “It went well. Got the cash. The rapist is dead, and I got to shoot my uncle.”
“That a girl! And that hot guy Luca!” It’s not a question. It’s a statement, and it bothers me. I’m not sure why. The thought of Luna drooling over him, of having access to the cameras that allow her to look in on him at any time has me clenching my teeth. “Did you get an up close and personal look at him? I would have. I would have given that fine ass a smack too.”
“What, he's a hot piece of ass or weren't you paying attention? Looks like you could bounce a quarter off it.” She’s not wrong. His ass did look nice in his slacks. They must be tailored. I should send a gift basket to the man who made them.
What? No Elena! Focus. I berate myself. I may have accomplished my task at the mansion, but I am by no means done.
“I was a little preoccupied.” I reply to Luna.
“Multi-task darling. Multi-task.” We aren’t on a video call. I have a feeling if we were I would be getting a finger waged at me like an old grandma.
“How old are you, sixteen or sixty?” I tease.
She gives a chuckle. Neither of us laugh easy. “Ha, ha, ha. Twenty-five thank you very much.”
“And why are you looking at Luca, don't you have a man?”
“Don't I wish! No. No man.” The sound of her dejection has me regretting teasing her. She isn’t against crushes or finding love like I am. Being a ghost hasn’t stopped her from dating. Though I doubt any of them have known her name or the real her. She hides her real self well. It’s protection. Like a bullet proof vest, only its one that doesn’t physically weigh you down. Only mentally.
“What about that one that was hunting you, wasn't he getting close?”
“Oh, he's still hunting.” The man is a god. A body made of stone with each ridge of muscle carved to perfection. He has an easy swagger about him. Confident but not cocky. Unlike Luca. That jerk has cocky written all over him. It’s like cologne for him. I doubt he even realizes it.
I saw Luna’s hunter once over her shoulder. She had been video chatting with me while she sat in a cafe in Paris. She got a good kick out of it and let me share in her amusement and watched as he berated his men for losing her. Silly man. They weren’t even chasing the right gender. He thought the ghost was a man. Such arrogance.
The man thought he was hunting her. Really she was leading him on a chase. One she got great joy from, all while admiring him from a distance.
“He's not even on the right continent let alone the right city.” She giggles and I can’t help but join. We laugh together for several minutes, before we turn back to more important matters. “Will your mom be able to talk to her family again?”
“Yeah. I've been watching them since I left. Santos only had one guy on them the last few years. Claimed he thought we died but had no confirmation. He had lost too many weak soldiers over the years, so he contracted a man outside the family.” It’s good it’s only one. Sucks that the one is far more dangerous than any that have come after us before. Which means as long as the Don followed through with calling off the hit. We were in the clear. “I think he believed the deaths we faked a few months back.” Things had been quiet since then. I had hope it would stay quiet. My training taught me to remain vigilant anyway. Getting complacent meant missing signs of danger. We couldn’t afford that. Not when we were so close to freedom.
“Good. That was some of my best work.” Luna replies. It was gruesome. Luna had helped us plan the fake scene. We had destroyed a motel room to look like a fight had taken place. I made sure to leave DNA all over the room and a chunk of our belongings. For weeks leading up to it, mom and I had been drawing vials of blood that we could splatter around the room. It was enough blood that without our bodies, it would look like we bled to death shortly before or after our bodies were moved. “The bloodier the better!” Says the woman who hates blood.
I shake my head. “I saw that bitch.” She says with another laugh. Smiling, I look up and find the nearest camera. I flip it the bird, knowing Luna is watching me through it. “You know they are tracking you.”
“I know.”
“I saw two SUVs and a motorcycle.”
“They've got their main Doctor on the floor today. I’m sure they’ve already made a call to him.” It’s why I chose this hospital. It’s not public knowledge, but this hospital is privately owned by none other than dear old dad and the family. I have mom registered as both Violet and Charlotte. I need her information on file for the transplant, and to throw off the assassin. He either would follow me here where the room for Violet would be empty. Or he would ignore it. Thinking I was messing with him. That would be true for both ways. I needed a backup plan to draw him out safely if Bosco didn’t get Santo to call off the hit.
I blackmailed one of the nurses at the front desk to check in Violet into an empty room. Meanwhile I had Charlotte in for dialysis. I had manipulated her paperwork enough to get her proper treatment without it being able to be tracked back to her true identity.
“Oh, you devious girl.”
“I figured I'd save Bosco some work. He was going to find us whether I drove him here in handcuffs or he ‘tracked me’.” I use finger quotes directed to the camera. Like they could track me? If I wanted to hide, I could.
“Men. So arrogant.”