Page 17 of Running
"YOU FORGOT THEpart where you jumped out of the two story window, blew up my wall, and hacked into my security system.” Elena stares daggers at her father. Looks like she didn’t want to divulge those details to her mother. I can see why. It was reckless and dangerous of her.
I stand slightly behind Bosco in the doorway of Violet’s hospital room. My father is behind me and Massimo and a few guards are spread down the hallway. Violet, or Charlotte, whichever name she is going by in this room is pale and frail looking. There is no doubt the woman is beautiful even with the illness ravaging her body.
True to the attitude I glimpsed at the house earlier, Elena barks back. “You missed the beginning.” She stands but keeps her hand in her pocket. Judging by the lump there I’m guessing she is concealing her gun. “I already told her I hacked your security system, how else would I have gotten into your compound with my bike and into your kitchen to make lunch?”
Bosco shakes his head as he dares to venture further into the room. Elena looks on edge. She’s already shot two people today so I decide to minimize the risk of being the third by staying back. “It’s good to see you again Elena.”
“Jury's out on that one Bosco.” She replies. Again with no emotion.
He lifts his hands in surrender then turns his attention to Violet. A lot has changed in the near twenty years since he last saw her. She is weaker, older too, but no less beautiful. I cannot fathom the thoughts running through his head. Only hours ago he found out the love of his life that he has mourned since he was a teen is alive. “Violet…” he breathes her name like it is breathing life back into his lungs.
She eyes him nervously. Her hands gripping and twisting the sheets at her waist. “Bosco.” She whispers his name. From behind I watch as Bosco’s shoulders rise. I would bet money that he was smiling too.
He takes cautious steps towards her until he is at her bedside. Elena sees his fingers twitching closer to her mother's hand.
“How have you been Bosco?”
The ruthless, always stoic man I have known cracks. “Miserable.” The defeat he must feel at knowing he didn’t protect her is evident. Her brown eyes frown at him. “Not a day has gone by that I haven't missed you. I thought you were dead but still I wondered what our life would have been like.”
“I've missed you too.” Tears build in her eyes. “I wanted to tell you. I tried. I tried so many times. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to leave you. I loved you.” The tears escape in a waterfall down her cheeks. Elena moves and cuddles closer to her mother.
It looks like Bosco wants to crawl into the bed, wrap his arms around her and never leave. “I loved you too. I never stopped. Please don't be sorry. You did good sweetheart.” She sobs harder at that name. He grabs her hand and kisses her knuckle. “You did the right thing. You protected our daughter. Our Elena.”
He reaches out towards Elena's hand. He doesn't grab it even though it’s within his reach. He keeps it a few inches away, allowing her to decide is she wants to take it. After a moment's hesitation she does. “She's everything I always imagined a daughter of ours being.”
Elena snorts. Ricco outright laughs. The mom smiles at him and puts her hand up to his cheek. “I really doubt you imaged our daughter breaking and entering, shooting her uncle, or blowing up your building.”
“Don't forget stealing.”
“You knew about the club accounts?” Violet’s eyes flicker from his face to Elena’s.
“Club accounts?” He asks.
Elena drops their hands and rubs the back of her neck. “Yeah. Mom's treatments aren’t cheap, and with us constantly being on the run, we couldn't exactly keep a job or insurance for long, so I had to get creative. I figured being your daughter and all I was entitled to a little bit of the revenue.” Bosco laughs.
My father steps around me and inches into the room. He looks like a light bulb went off in his head. “The missing 2500 every month. That's been you?”
“Yeah, I'd say sorry, but I'm not. I kinda figured it was like taking belated child support payments.”
Bosco shakes his head. “I don't give a damn about the money.”
“You don't?” Elena looks shocked. I have seen few emotions on her face since meeting her, aside from rage. That one I am familiar with and do not want aimed my way.
“Hell no. Take it. Take it all. I want you two.”
Violet's eyes widen at his declaration. “What!” She says.
“You heard me. I'm claiming you two. You are still my wife after all.”
“What about Ravinia?” Asks Elena.
“That wretched woman won't be a problem. She's currently packing her stuff and moving out to one of our penthouse apartments. There is no love between us. Never was. Our marriage was arranged by my father before he died. I held off getting married again after I thought I lost you for as long as I could. But the families were nervous with me getting older, dad on his deathbed, and me with no heir.” Elena clears her throat. “No heir I knew about.” She smiles. “So I took a wife in name. As long as she had her spending account full each month she was happy. We had separate wings in the house and only slept together out of necessity to get her pregnant.”
“What about your other daughter. Milan?” Asks her mother.
“She's still young. She will stay with her mother most of the time, but I was hoping you two would be open to meeting her.” Elena gives an awkward cough. Almost like she chocked on her spit. Her mother glares at her.