Page 25 of Running
“What is it?” Asks Ricco.
“It’s time we move ahead with the next generation taking over. I know our original plan was to wait another three years.” He means when Milan would have been eighteen and the two of us married. “With Violet home, the mess Santo created, and this business with the Cartel, the Council and I want to expedite things. The Council wants stability. A stability I can no longer provide.” I have no idea what he means. Bosco is Don. He is still young and healthy. How is he seen as unstable? As my mind races, he continues. “The Council believes a shake up of leadership is needed. And I agree.” He pauses and looks over to Elena who isn’t paying us a lick of attention. “I have the love of my life back. A daughter I didn’t know I had. I already lost twenty years with them. I don’t want to miss any more. As soon as things are settled I will be passing the mantle onto Luca. In months not years.”
“Months!” I choke on the words. Shit.
Bosco continues as though I hadn’t spoke. “Ricco, I want to move you to Consigliere. Val can work with you and take over when he is ready. Luca and I already turn to you for advice and you have never led us wrong. Then the Underboss position will be free for Massimo to take over.” He nods to Massimo. “He’s ready.”
Massimo nods. “Thanks Boss.”
My dad doesn’t hesitate to voice his acceptance as well.
I do. I flick a look over to Elena. Her head is down and her focus completely on her task. She doesn’t understand the implications of what Bosco is saying. She doesn’t understand that a wedding needs to take place in order for this to happen.
This is what I have worked for. It’s what I have been raised to do. I shouldn’t be hesitating. There is a pull in my chest. It wants me to get Elena to join in the moment. Her place isn’t yet by my side so I hesitate.
Tearing my gaze away I nod. “I would be honored.”
“Great!” Bosco claps his hands and smiles. The cold-hearted boss of our world has had his heart thawed. He never used to smile. Not like this. It’s a good look on him. Some may believe that he is changing, growing weak. That would be a lie. If anything he is stronger, more resolved to be hard. Violet is back and he has a new daughter to protect. You can see the determination in his eyes. He won’t lose them again.
“Elena, can you join us?”
“One second.” She still hasn’t looked up.
Bosco locks eyes with me and gives a wink. Shit. “Now?” I whisper to him.
He gives a nod. It’s discreet as Elena walks over and takes a seat next to me. I pull her close and grab her hand under the table. She doesn’t pull away. Not yet. I don’t doubt in a moment she will though.
“Elena, I have great news.” She doesn’t answer him with words. Her eyes encourage him to continue. “I am retiring.”
“Congratulations?” Her voice is laced with confusion. I think she knows there is no such thing as retirement in our world. Bosco will be stepping back, but he will no way be done with the Mafia.
“And in a few weeks, after the wedding, Luca will be taking over as Don.”
She smiles brightly at me. Her eyes shining with happiness for me. I want to kiss her. Pull her in my arms and thank her while holding her so she doesn’t crumble with the next bit of news. “Congrats!” There isn’t confusion this time. She is genuinely happy for me. Which makes me feel worse.
“As for you my dear daughter, we must start your training right away.”
Her eyebrows furrow. The happiness slowly fading. “Training?”
“Yes. You are my daughter. My first born. Heir to our family.”
“You want me to be Don? You just said Luca was going to be taking over.” She asks skeptically. I see the laughter begging to be released from Bosco and my father. They know the truth. The old world truth that no female will ever be Don. She can be Queen. Maybe even someday we may have a female Underboss. Never Don.
I keep her hand in mine and rub comforting circles while the Don explains why even though Elena was blood and the position was passed down through his family, as a female she couldn't be Don. She nodded along. Her face didn’t give away her emotions.
This morning I would have bet she wanted to be Don. Was even making a play for it. In the little I have learned over the last sixteen hours. I know that is not the case. She doesn’t want power. She wants the right people in power. What she desires is freedom and safety. Only one of which I can give her. Safety. Her freedom will be linked to me, to the family. To a degree she will be free, but not in the ways I know she wants.
“Luca is taking over. He will be Don.” He replies.
Elena nods, still looking confused. “That’s good. He's been in the family the longest. The men trust him.” My chest puffs at her approval. It feels good to know she believes in me.
“Good glad you agreed.” Says Bosco.
“So, if not Don, what am I training for? I still want to help. I may not have been raised by you but I am your daughter. I'm part of the family.”
Pride beams from Bosco. You can feel it filling the room. “Yes, you are.”
“So I can help?” She looks excited.