Page 28 of Running
“Yeah I got you.”
“So that's it? We're engaged?”
“Yeah Princess. We are.”
ELENA SPENDS THEnext few nights in the basement. She wanted to be close to her mom and bond with her family. I had hoped she would spend the night with me. I knew it was too early. Like we said in the study. We need to get to know one another. We wouldn’t have had sex. We might have fooled around a bit. My fiancé is hot. Even with sex off the table and her being a timid virgin, I would have wrapped my body around hers for the night as we talked. I want her to get used to my presence. My touch. She has spent too much of her life alone. Her walls of self-preservation are thick and high. I have my work cut out for me if I want her to come to me willingly.
I was never much of a cuddler. I never brought women to my bed. It was always either their place or a hotel. This way I could make my escape as soon as the sex was done. I tried not to be an asshole about it. I’m sure many of them thought I was anyway. Staying the night would have given them the wrong impression. Better to leave before they fell asleep and woke up disappointed.
My relationship with Elena would be different. It already was. I would take her feelings into account. Make sure she was satisfied before finding my own release. Then there would be no leaving the bed. Not for either of us. I was looking forward to waking up with her in my arms and finding out what it was like to have morning sex.
Until then I would take things slow. I was used to sex often and with lots of woman. For Milan it would have been hard to end seeing as I didn’t hold any desire for her. With Elena it was over before she leapt out the window and drove away on her motorcycle. There will never be another woman in my life. She is it for me. And I will make damn sure I am the only man in hers.
Elena was like a hurricane storming into my life and kicking shit up everywhere. She is an enigma. One I want to learn everything I can about. I have Val looking into her past. She has hid it well. I doubt Val will be able to find much. I am at a disadvantage and am grasping at straws. Elena is strong and independent. She has reluctantly agreed to marry me. I need to find a way to ensure she doesn’t run before I can tie her to me. Marriage won’t be enough. I need to brand her womb. Implant my seed. Impregnate her with my child. It didn’t stop Violet from running so it may not stop Elena. Difference is. I won’t give up. I will hunt to the ends of the earth for her.
Bosco was led to believe Violet died. If Elena dies, I will burn the world down. No enemy of ours will be safe.
They better pray nothing happens to her. I feel the darkness in me creeping forward. The dominant side of me taking over. I don’t want to scare Elena. There will be time to experiment with my dominant side in the bedroom later. For now, I need to keep it hidden from her. She’s a stray that any moment could bolt. I wonder if I should plant a tracker on her. No. The vixen would find it take it off.
Unless I implanted it in her. I would need to drug her. Put it in her somewhere she can’t feel it. Maybe in an ass cheek. That way when I was taking her from behind I could discretely feel it below my hand. My cock stirs at the thought.
Down boy. Not yet.
Shaking my head I wipe that thought away. If Elena found out she would shoot me. Of that I have no doubt. I need to gain her trust not ruin it before I have it.
I need to focus on something else. Anything else. My cock is hard and rubbing uncomfortable against my zipper. I’ve already rubbed one out tonight. I’m not doing it again. I feel like a horny teenager and I hate it.
Plans. Our plans to fix the damage Santo has done to our operation. That should help get my mind off of Elena’s body and all the dirty things I’m going to soon do to it.
The Intel Elena provided on the Cartel was proving not only truthful but incredibly helpful. Last night we were able to intercept a massive weapons shipment into the city. Less guns on the street for the enemy and replenishments for our own stock. This has earned Elena even more approval from the Council. I may have doubted her when she first broke in, but she is quickly proving me wrong.
She doesn’t trust easily. You can see it in her eyes. Her hesitation to share too many details, yet she shared what she knew about the shipments. She wants the upper hand at all times. It’s smart. It’s exactly what every man in the mafia is trained to do. And she does it instinctively. The thought makes my blood boil with rage at Santo. I want to bring him back from the dead so I can kill him again.
Elena hasn’t shared the full story of what she has been through. The little she has told us no doubt only scratches the surface.
Someday I’ll get her to tell me everything. I’ll get her to share the list of vengeance she has. Together we will cross every name off. I feel a smile stretch across my lips just thinking about the fight we will have. She will want to finish it on her own. I won’t let her. She’ll have to get used to it. As her husband she will have no secrets from me. Her enemies will be mine.
Yelling from downstairs brings me out of my thoughts. Sounds like Ravinia's home. I creep out of my room and use the back stairs to get close enough to hear. Technically I am Underboss and engaged to the Don's daughter so I have no reason to hide. Well, no reason other than I don't want to be dragged into the drama.
I have enough of it going on with Elena and I’s blossoming relationship, as well as the plans for the Cartel and last remaining rats in our ranks.
Ravinia is ripping into Bosco. He is trying to calm her down and tell her he found his first wife. That she wasn't dead. Which makes his marriage to herself illegitimate.
Shit. Their screaming is getting louder. Thank god the mansion walls are thick and nestled on fifty acres. Otherwise I don’t doubt the neighbors would have heard and called the cops.
While Ravinia continues to scream, I watch as Elena comes up the stairs to see what the commotion is about. She's still in a pair of my clothes and damn do I love seeing her that way. So does my dick. Not now buddy. I had a closet full of clothes delivered a few days ago and put in our room. She’s worn the jeans and sweatshirts. It seems at night she prefers to smell of me. I’d prefer her naked, but we’ll get there.
Unlike me, Elena isn’t hiding. The moment Ravinia sees her, she rushes over to her. “You. Who the hell are you?”
“I'm Elena. You must be Ravinia.” She says it like she isn’t positive. I stifle a laugh at the irony of her words. Elena knows exactly who she is. Hell she probably knows what Ravinia had for breakfast and when her last shit was. It’s scary how much is able to learn about us having the slightest clue.
Bosco moves to Elena's side. Guess I should probably make my appearance now too. I step out of the shadows and take position at Elena's other side.