Page 30 of Running
I smile at her. Trying my best to reassure her before her world truly collapses. “Her name is Elena. She’s here.”
“She is! Can I meet her? I always wanted a sister. Do you think she will like me?” Milan jumps up from the couch. Her hands smoothing down her dress and fluffing up her hair. All the things I’ve noticed over the years that she does before entering a room.
“Of course. She’s excited to meet you too.” Her nervous primping calms. I stand and grab her hands again. “That’s not all though. Let’s sit.”
Following my lead, we fall back to the couch. She is more distant with her body than before. She must see the hesitation in my eyes. “Is it bad? You’ve got that look. The same one dad has when he doesn’t want to tell me something.” I would laugh if this wasn’t so serious. In recent years I have noticed myself becoming more and more like Bosco. It’s not a bad thing. He’s a great boss. All the soldiers respect him. He is fair even in his punishments.
“Not bad. Or it doesn’t have to be. Nothing needs to change.”
“Luca. I don’t understand. Why would me having a sister potential make things bad?”
Stealing another breath. “Violet and Bosco are still legally married. It means the marriage to your mother isn’t.” Her face doesn’t change. I don’t think she understands. Fuck. Bosco should be the one telling her this shit.
Ravinia is still screaming. Her voice is echoing down the hall and into the room even with the door shut. Yeah. Maybe it’s better I am in here with Milan than dealing with that witch. I would be struggling not to tie her up and gag her. It’s sad how much of a scene she is making. She is supposed to be the Queen of the Mafia.
Internally I smile again. Elena would never make a scene like that. In private I have no doubt she wouldn’t unleash on me. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll take her anger as long as I get her pleasure afterwards.
From the little I have learned about Violet, she would be like Elena. Quiet. Calculating. And handling shit with a scary calmness.
I need to finish this conversation. It won’t make things easier by dragging it on. “Bosco has already contacted the Council. They are moving forward with recognizing Elena as his firstborn.”
“Okay.” Her brow furrows. She knows this is an important detail. She just hasn’t figured out why yet.
“That means our marriage contract is void. I am to marry Elena.”
Milan jumps up. She backs across the room. “No.” Her head is shaking back and forth. I can tell she doesn’t want to believe what I’ve said. “No. No. They can’t do that. You’re mine. They already agreed.” I take a step forward. I want to comfort her. She’s still just a kid. There’s no way she understands what marriage would be like. Much less a loveless marriage to me.
Even if she was old enough, I wouldn’t love her. It would have been a sad truth she would have tried to deny. Much like Ravinia denies it with Bosco. He cares for her health and safety, but there is no love there. His heart has always belonged to Violet. Even when he thought her dead.
Violet’s only been in his life again for a few days and already he has changed. I recognize those changes in myself. The moment I met Elena I felt the ice around my heart thaw. Years ago I had thought I’d marry for love, then I signed the marriage contract to Milan and my heart froze. I built a barrier around my emotions so no woman would get close. It would have been cruel for me to fall in love when I would not be able to give them a marriage and babies. A short lived fling would have been all I would have been capable of.
Elena changed that. She is unlike any woman I have ever met. The fact that she is Bosco’s heir allows my heart to beat again. I’m not at risk of hurting her by leaving her. I’m not allowed to.
There will be no running by either of us. The foundation of lust is already there. The walls of respect and admiration are building. Soon she will love me. I won’t accept anything less. For years I had been resigned to never knowing love between husband and wife. Never looking forward to waking up to the same woman day after day. Seeing her belly grow with my child knowing it was a product of love and not duty.
Before I can pull Milan into my arms the door opens. I hadn’t notice Ravinia’s screaming stop. Bosco enters first. Followed by Massimo, Val, my father and Elena trailing behind.
“You!” Milan shouts and tries to rush at Elena. I move quickly and wrap an arm around Milan’s waist. I pull her back to my chest. She fights to free herself from my hold. “You ruined everything! Luca was supposed to be mine!”
Elena doesn’t say anything. To her credit she doesn’t cower or run from the room either. The desire is there in her eyes, so is sadness. Elena had said she had once been excited to have a sister. Any hope of them having a relationship is quickly crumbling.
“Milan. Stop.” Orders Bosco. He crosses the room in four steps. He cups Milan’s face in his hands. Instantly she calms enough for me to let her go. She sags against her father.
“It’s not fair.” She sobs into his chest.
I move closer to Elena. Tears are pooling in her eyes. At first I wonder if they are from Milan’s words.
No. The tears are for the bond Milan and Bosco share. The bond of a father and daughter that have grown together. The bond Elena doesn’t have. She could. It will never be the same as Milan’s. Though that doesn’t mean it can’t be just as strong. Bosco loves Elena. He didn’t have to change her diaper or teach her to ride a bike to love her. Protecting her mother, breaking into the compound, shooting Santo and tracking down their enemies, those are the moments he has seen and admires. More moments will come later. Hopefully Elena will be willing to open her heart to Bosco and let him share them.
In silent support I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her close. She doesn’t lean into me. I wasn’t expecting her to. She is working double time to rebuild her walls.
Not going to happen baby girl.
“I’m sorry pumpkin.” Elena tenses further at his term of endearment for Milan. “In order for Luca to be Don, he must marry my heir. Elena is four years older than you. That right is hers.” Milan sobs harder. Her head still shaking back and forth in disagreement.