Page 38 of Running
“Why do you?”
“Preservation and necessity.”
“Necessity.” He repeats it. He isn’t asking a question though.
“Evil men deserve to be put down. The sacrifice of one is worth the safety of many.”
“So you are judge and jury?”
The slight movement of his right hand catches my eye. He is trying to be discreet. My senses are on overload from all the adrenaline course through my veins. I notice every detail. He is trying to work the restraints loose while he plays into my questions.
I let him continue for another minute. Until he is making progress. I need to dampen his spirit a bit. Quicker than he can blink, I slam one of my knives through his right hand. The tip of my blade is firmly embedded in the wood of the chair arm. He won’t be able to free it now without doing extensive damage to his hand.
He grunts but others wise doesn't make a sound.
“Don't fucking move again.” I have questions and I intend to have answers to all of them.
Before I can ask another question, the door to the room slams open and clatters to the floor. Splinters scattering across the wood. I don’t flinch. I knew Luca was getting close.
Fuckers just had to call in Ronan. The self-righteous asshole always hated my need for vengeance. He was always telling me that killing wasn't going to heal my soul. I was well aware. Nothing could heal it. I was too damaged. Be that as it may, it did sooth it temporarily.
Besides I wasn't going to kill forever. I had a list. One that was almost complete.
LOOKING EVERY BITthe Mafia Queen she was, Elena stood over her tormentor. The man who had spent the last few years chasing her and her mother. The man who had personally marked her skin with a dozen scars.
She wasn’t mine when it happened. The reminder doesn’t calm my anger. I couldn’t stop him from hurting her.
Elena has things under control. He can’t hurt her anymore. She will end him. I won’t interfere. It’s not why I came. I came to watch her back. She’s been doing it on her own for so long, it’s time someone else stepped up to help.
I’ll be damned if another man tries to do it. She is mine to protect. To marry. To fuck. Mine.
I scan over the man in the chair. My eyes need to confirm he is strapped down tight. Next I scan over Elena. She doesn’t appear injured at all. She looks exhausted though. I wonder if she has gotten any sleep in the last few days.
Forgetting the man in the chair, I storm over to her and pull her into my arms. I need her close. I need my hands to feel she’s real. She’s here. My left arm brings her waist to mine. My right hand goes to her hair. I wrap it around my fingers and pull back. Using it to lead her head where I need it.
My lips descend on her. It isn’t graceful. Fuck graceful. I wanted passionate. All consuming. I wanted to burn Elena with my desire.
After a few minutes I pull back. Together we pant and attempt to catch our breath.
“If you ever, ever, run from me like that again I will chain you to our bed for a month.” I nip at her ear for effect.
“I am not your doll to do with as you please.”
“Oh don't I know it.” Keeping my tight grip on her, I walk her to the wall. With her sandwiched between the wall and myself, guards at the windows and doors, I feel the tension in my shoulders ease. Elena is safe. She’s in my arms. Unhurt. “You are not a doll. You are a pain in the ass.” Her jaw drops. It looks like she is getting ready to argue. I silence her with a kiss. “But you’re my pain in the ass. You want vengeance you come to me.”
“I don’t need you to fight my battles.”
“I never said that.”
“Then what are you saying?”
“I'm saying that I will stand at your side. Hell I'll hand you the knife. I don’t want to change you. I like how passionate you are. Maybe tone down the stubbornness a bit. Let down your walls so I can see into that gorgeous head of yours. But never, never do I want to hold you back. You going full vigilante and running from the house, that shit stops now. You aren't a lone wolf anymore. You have a family.”
“They aren't....” She starts then quickly silences herself.