Page 41 of Running
Together Luca and I walk to the stairs. Before we ascend them. I give my mom the peace offering I can see she is hoping for. “I love you mom. Get some rest.” The tension from my mother’s face and shoulders instantly drops. So does Bosco’s.
Luca squeezes my waiting hand and together we walk out of the basement.
LUCA DOESN'T SAYa word as he leads me upstairs to our room. Yep our room. I was officially moving in with him. His decision. He wants to get to know me. His future wife.
We had a long talk on the drive back. He swears he doesn’t want to trap me here. I will need to make some concessions with him. They are meant for my protection. I told him as long as we communicate about them and if his demands are unreasonable than I have the ability to negotiate.
Entering the room, I avoid looking at the bed. My body has been boiling with need since Luca wrapped his hand over mine and pointed it at my final hit-man. In my heart I know I can trust him. My brain is still hesitant. And my damn libido is a horny bitch. I waited too damn long to have sex and now she is rebelling against me, I swear. Just looking at Luca and I get wet and my mouth pools with the desire to lick him.
The door clicks shut behind us. I hear the lock snap into place. I can feel the desire to panic begin to rise. Everything I have been mentally holding back is crashing in on me. My desire for revenge never let me process things fully. I pushed emotions away, held back truths from even myself. Now I have nothing left to hide behind. The reasons mom and I ran are gone and the Caruso men have the Cartel on the run.
Which means I don’t have to.
So why do I feel so empty? I should be overjoyed that my list is nearly complete.
Luca is in the room with me. I can’t let him see me break down. He’s already said he’s not letting me out of his sight. He assured me I could cry, scream, rage, whatever I needed and he would stand beside me. My damn traitorous heart had skipped a beat at his words.
Working hard to put my once every day mask back on my face, I turn to Luca. “I'm going to take a shower.” I take a step to him, and kiss him on the cheek. What I really want to do is throw myself at him and let him have his way with me.
It feels like it takes forever for my feet to carry me to the bathroom. The moment the door is closed and locked behind me, the mask falls away.
I knew I had taken it a step too far. The kiss was out of character. I could see the wheels turning in Luca’s head after I did it. I just prayed that Luca would give me the space I need right now.
Stepping into the shower without bothering to strip, I let the water soak my clothes. The water joining my tears as I allow myself to break. My knees give out and I fall to the shower floor.
Vengeance has been paid to those that chased my mom and me. The final hit-man contracted by Santo is dead. The Uncle that chased my mother off while pregnant had suffered and died. My mother was happy. Really happy, and she got her kidney and was recovering.
So why didn't I feel relieved?
This was the moment I had worked towards for years. Is it because I didn't get retribution against my father? I wanted him to pay. I wanted him to know a fraction of my suffering. Knowing how in love my mother still was with him, I knew I couldn’t act. Any pain to him, would hurt my mother. I couldn’t do it. The tears crashed down harder. My body shakes from my sobbing. Mixed with my adrenaline crash, I’m not sure I will be able to pick myself up off the floor after this.
Thoughts of the future flit around in my head. None lasting more than a few moment. None except one. Maybe after the wedding I will feel better. Maybe after Bosco is no longer Don I can feel at ease. Luca and I would be taking most of the power from him. It wouldn’t be done underhandedly like I wanted, but it still can have the desired effect.
Over the rushing of the water I hear someone knocking on the door and a muffled call of my name. Even without being able to hear them clearly, I know it is Luca speaking.
I don't have the energy to answer. Don't want to answer. I want the calm of darkness to take me. The last reserves of my adrenaline are gone, my emotions shot.
Vengeance had been served yet I feel so empty.
I COULDN’T STANDit any longer. The sound of her cries was like a knife to the heart. She knew she was going to break once she walked into that bathroom. I knew it too, yet I held onto the hope that she would accept my offer to help. I couldn’t take her pain away. As much as I wanted to, the damage was already done.
Strolling over to my desk I begin ripping open the drawers, searching for my lock picking tools. I could kick the door down. I want to. It isn’t reinforced like the doors that lead to the hallways. Kicking something would release some of the pent up frustration I am feeling. My body is thrumming with energy and no place to aim it.
Sensing Elena's pain and vulnerability through the door, I know I can’t act like a caveman and storm in there. She has been so strong. I knew she was bound to break.
A few moments with the tools in the lock and I feel the distinctive click of it mechanism. Slowly I enter the room. Knowing I would see her crying, and witnessing her small curled frame on the shower floor had me wanting to raise every last fucker that ever messed with her and kill them again. It wouldn’t be a gunshot to the head. I would peel their skin back one layer at a time. Let them slowly bleed out until they had no pain left to feel. Only then would I send them back to hell.
Elena is amazing. The very definition of strength, grit, and determination. Not to mention her brilliance and beauty. It isn’t an appropriate time, but my dick hardens.
Not now. As much as I desired her, my cock isn't going to help the situation. I need to be there for her emotionally.