Page 45 of Running
“I don’t think we ever will be. Milan is still her daughter.” I remind him.
Milan has been living at the mansion with us. True to Bosco’s word, nothing in their relationship has changed. If anything they have gotten closer. Same with her and her biological dad Mario. It’s funny watching them now. I had observed Mario spoiling her with kindness while still being professional. Now the lines are blurred. He is still her guard and more vigilant than ever. Only now they greet each other openly with hugs and a kiss on the cheek. It warms my heart. I’m still slightly bitter and reluctant to build a relationship with Bosco. I know I need to work on it. I see the suffering in his eyes when I enter a room he is in. I see the longing in his eye when I hug mom but not him.
Luca pulls me out of my thoughts. “Shit with everything else going on. I forgot about the whole Ravinia and Mario thing.” We pick up speed as we get closer to the stairs and the yelling gets louder. “I should get down there,” he says.
The commotion has drawn people from all over the house. I can’t help but to cringe as I notice how many Capos are at the house. I think it’s all of them. “Fuck,” grumbles Luca as his eyes land on members of the council. They came early to have meetings and discussions before our wedding this weekend.
My sentiments exactly. “Fuck.” If Milan's parentage is revealed to them, it could destroy her. Bosco too. She isn't his biological daughter, but he did raise her. He loves her. Milan is standing off to the side. Mario looks uncomfortable. I can tell he wants to pull Milan into his arms and comfort her. He won’t. He is too professional and knows his place. He won’t risk exposing them.
“Enough Ravinia!” Shouts Bosco. “You are only embarrassing yourself.”
“Me?” She hollers back. Her face is red, her hair a mess. Even her normally pressed to perfection outfit is wrinkled. “I'm embarrassing? Says the man who married me when he already had a wife.” Bosco runs his hand over his face. He knows this conversation is already out of hand. It’s too late to stop it. “You lied to me. You lied to the families!”
She’s trying to rally the Capos. A quick scan of the room would show her that she isn’t winning anyone over. “Technically I never lied.” Rebuts Bosco. “The Council knew I has married Violet. It had been approved. And at the time of our marriage I was to assume I was a widow.”
“Assumed but didn’t know for sure.” Her voice is cracking the more she screams.
“That’s argumentative and besides the point.” Bosco is standing alongside the Council. He takes a few steps closer to Ravinia who is centered in the Foyer. “I was married before I was Don. Before I met you. She was declared dead. My father's Consigliere confirmed it. Due to that lie, I believed I was not still married when I married you.”
“You mean the Consigliere that ran that bitch off.” Ravinia is grasping at straws. The Council has already agreed that Violet’s marriage to Bosco is still legal and therefore his marriage to Ravinia is not.
“Watch your mouth!” Bosco growls back. I’ve seen him angry. I’ve never seen him like this though. “And yes. That one. The same one that the Council voted in and backed for the last thirty years. Not one of them suspected his treachery. Even I failed at that.” His eyes soften as he turns to me. “Elena was the one to learn the truth.”
“You mean your bastard daughter?” Her words sting.
“I’m not a bastard.” I shout. I hadn’t meant to talk. Her hateful word stung even if they weren’t true.
Ravinia glares at me. Her eyes daring me to speak again. Oh, I so want to. Bosco beats me too it. “Since Violet isn't dead, our marriage is still very much intact. So, you’re wrong. Elena is not a bastard. She is my daughter. My eldest. My heir.”
“No! I'm your wife.” Tears of frustration run down her cheeks as she continues to try to argue. If she wasn’t such a bitch I would feel sorry for her.
“I'm sorry Ravinia. It was never legal.” Bosco’s voice softens. It sounds like he doesn’t want to yell anymore. He wants her to concede she is wrong. Accept that there was no love between them and move on.
“No.” Ravinia shakes her head as she continues not to believe him. “She wasn't strong enough to be your wife. I am. It’s why I was chosen. The Council chose me.”
“No. My father chose you. I never wanted to marry again. Violet was my heart and soul. The only wife I ever wanted.” He pauses and takes another step towards Ravinia. “While I didn't love you. I did care for you. And I love our daughter Milan.”
“Ha.” She barks a laugh. “Your daughter?” Oh fuck. Those of us around the room that know the truth instantly tense. She can’t be dumb enough to reveal the truth. She would be throwing herself under the boss. She can’t be that stupid can she? “She's not yours.” Fuck. Yes she is. “You weren't man enough to get me pregnant.”
Milan gasps. Mario grabs her. Holding her in a hug and shielding her from the eyes of the Capos and Council members that didn’t know. “Ravinia, don’t.” Warns Bosco.
“The truth is out Bosco. You, the great Don couldn't produce an heir so I had to fake one. What does the family think of you now? Who will sit on your throne now?” Bosco didn't respond to her. He was too busy looking at Milan who stared at her mom in horror. They may not have had the best relationship but Elena could tell Milan tried to please her mother. She was begging for affection and approval from her.
“You're shooting blanks old man, who’s to say Elena is even your daughter. Maybe that whore lied to you.” Ravinia continues her rant as the Council begins to whisper.
“My mother is not a whore.” I retort as I stomp towards her. I want to slap her, stab her, and shoot her all at once. Luca’s arm grasps me around the middle and stops me.
Bosco joins the two of us at my side. Milan and Mario behind him, they are flanked by Massimo, Val and Ricco. “Elena is my daughter. Three separate DNA tests have confirmed it. The Council has already received those reports. She is my heir.” I’ve calmed down enough that Luca has released me. His left hand holds my right. Shoulder to shoulder he is my strength. My reason to remain calm. Bosco takes another step closer to me and grabs my free hand. “Elena will be marrying Luca this Saturday. It’s why the Council is here.
The Capos all start to grumble amongst themselves. They weren’t in the know yet. Today was supposed to be the announcement. “A wedding?” One man asks.
“Yes.” Replies Bosco. “Luca to Elena. She is my heir and has agreed to the union.”
“Milan is not your daughter?” Asks another Capo.
The room is silent. Even Ravinia is quiet. “She is my daughter.” Milan steps up to him and takes her place by his other side. She chances a glance at me. I make sure to give her a big smile and nod. I want her to know I have her back. She and I don’t have a relationship. Not yet anyway. I hope someday we do. Maybe today can be the start. “My blood does not run through her veins, but she is every bit still my daughter. If I hear one word against her. I will cut out that man’s tongue. Am I understood?”
Tears form in Milan’s eyes as she moves closer to Bosco. Mario is right behind her. Pride is glistening in his eyes for Bosco.