Page 13 of Hunting
My eyes flicker around the room. It’s a large room. You could fit our whole trailer in here, with room to spare. The bed I am in is centered on the back wall. Windows sit to either side with small tables under each. There is a section of the room that looks like a lounge or mini living room. Another section has a kitchenette. It’s large enough to cook some small hot meals. Speaking of food. My stomach rumbles loudly.
Massimo gives a chuckle. “I figured you’d be hungry when you woke up. I had some food sent up. Any preference?” He says as he stands and moves to the kitchen area. Looking again, I can see several trays on the small counter with metal lid coverings. He lifts one lid. The smell wafts across the room in seconds. Chicken noodle soup. Lifting another lid I’m hit with the smell of pancakes. Yes please!
Loading up his arms, Massimo brings both trays over and a bottle of water. Sets one tray on the side table, and the other on the bed beside me before handing me the water. “Doc set you up with an IV for fluids and nutrients. Weren’t sure how long you were going to be out for, and since you’d refused to drink and barely ate downstairs, you were dehydrated.”
“Wonder why that is?” I mumble under my breath. Then remember who I am in the presence of. I feel my face immediately redden. Shit. I need to apologize.
I open my mouth to apologize. He stops me with a lift of his hand. “Don’t apologize. You can speak freely here. In fact, I demand it.” He gives me a wink. Why? Is he flirting with me? Yesterday he was my captor. What is he now, a friend? A concerned boss? My brain hurts trying to understand. I’m still mentally tired from the lack of sleep.
Once I get some food in me, I hope I can go back to sleep. I know they want answers. Truthfully I want to give them and get out of here. Hopefully they will wait until I’ve rested some more before the new interrogation starts. Honestly, the information they will want, can be given by my father.
Speaking of. I’m mad at him. I was missing for two days. Two days. What the hell was he doing to find me that he didn’t learn I was in the hands of his boss? When he realized I was gone and not coming back, shouldn’t he have called the Don, begged for his help? If he had, he would have had to explain the situation. He would have told them I was helping with a job for him, and that I was taken from the bar. Massimo would have heard word of my father asking for help and made the connection.
My father was too surprised when he realized I was in the basement to have gone that course. So the question remains, what had he been doing to find me?
I cut through the pancake slowly. My muscles ache and scream in protest as I move. I’m able to get a few bites in before they cramp up and become useless on my lap.
I take a moment to evaluate my body’s condition. I had been shaking from the cold in the basement before passing out. Was I in shock, or did my body shut down due to hypothermia setting in?
Massimo lifts the tray from my lap. He cuts a few pieces. I thought he was going to eat my leftovers. But he surprises me by lifting the fork to my lips. “I know you’re still hungry. Eat.” He says as he pushes the fork closer. I don’t open. He sighs and lowers the fork a bit. “Look, I won’t apologize for what happened. I had a job to do. It probably doesn’t seem like it, but I went easy on you. I didn’t want to hurt you. I did what I had to, and I’d do it again for the family.”
If I had the energy I would laugh. Instead I open my mouth and allow him to feed me. “I understand why you did it. I would have too in your shoes.” He freezes then turns away from the next piece pf pancake he was cutting to look at me. “I didn’t expect the ruthless and cold Enforcer of the Caruso Family to be sitting at my bedside hand feeding me breakfast.”
He gives a nod. He’s quiet for a moment. Taking the time to choose his next words carefully. “Three days ago, I wouldn’t have.”
“What changed?” I know curiosity killed the cat. I’m the cat in this situation. Yet, I need the answer.
“I met you.” What?
Not the answer I was expecting.
He puts down the knife and fork. Stands and begins pacing by the window. “At first I didn’t understand it. I felt drawn to you. I thought it was the mystery of who you were. As you know, we had heard rumor of a woman, a black widow of sorts being seen around town with various men from the different families. Each one found injured or dead hours later. When we realized that no one from our side had been touched, we grew curious. I had my team scattered across the city looking for you. We had no physical description so it was like finding a needle in a haystack. But we found you. Low and behold, you were seen with one of our men that night. It sealed your fate. I knew then that I needed to take you in.” He pauses, stops his pacing, and resumes his seat in the chair by the bed. “I could see the strength in you that night. The fight you had in you. Instantly I respected you. And to be frank. I wanted you. Physically. I find you very attractive.”
Damn. His confession has my stomach tightening and wetness pooling between my legs. I find him attractive as well. In another life, I might even have been willing to explore it. Not today. He just reminded me of a more important matter. The rat that got away. “You need to bring him in.”
“Who?” Surprise overwhelms his face. I know I’ve caught him off guard. He was probably expecting me to jump his bones after his confession. Any other woman probably would have. He’s hot as hell. I’m sure he’s never hurt for female companionship. Losing my virginity to him definitely wouldn’t be a horror story to remember. He’s oozes confidence. He’s the kind of man who knows how to please a woman. Momentarily I wonder if he’d be a gentle lover, or a beast in the sheets. Would he be concerned for the woman’s pleasure, or just his own.
Shanking those thoughts and taking a deep breath to calm my libido. “Joe, Joseph, whatever you call him. My target. The one from the bar. You have to stop him.”
“Joseph? Our soldier? What is it you think he’s done?” Massimo looks angry. I was too when I found out. Though I don’t think his anger is at Joseph. His dagger eyes are piercing me.
“Yes. Him. The one from the bar that night. He’s a rat, and a bastard. My father will tell you. He’s feeding information to Ramirez’ men. He’s been working with them for months. Getting in their good graces and helping with their trafficking business.”
“And you know this how? He confess to you?”
“No. You interrupted us before he could.” Again my mouth has no filter. Damn. Too bad I’m now past caring. That man is still out on the streets. Hunting young girls. Kidnapping them and trying to break them before selling them to the Cartel. Massimo looks skeptical. “Look, ask my father. He will tell you. It’s why I was at the bar that night. I was targeting him. Dad found evidence that he was a rat. From my time with Ramirez’ men, I knew someone from the Caruso Family was helping them with their….” I gulp. Not wanting to say it, but needing to. “Procuring of inventory.”
“Again, how do you know it is him? What evidence do you have? Did you see him? Did he say something?”
I shake my head. Like I said we never got far enough for me to learn all his secrets. “I know. Talk to my father. Get him in your fun room and he’ll sing like a canary.”
“You want me to take your word for it?” He asks.
“Yes.” I don’t beat around the bush.
He scrubs a hand down his face. “What if you’re wrong?”
“I’m not.” I’m one hundred percent confident I’m not.