Page 21 of Hunting
I must push too hard on her wound, as she lets out another groan of pain. This time her eyes open slightly. “Hurts.” Her voice is barely a whisper. It’s scratchy like she’s struggling to speak. Fuck, if it isn’t music to my ears.
“Sweetheart. I’ve got you. Doc’s going to patch you up ok?”
“Kay.” She says. Her voice trailing off. Eyes closing up again.
I don’t like it. I need her awake. I need to know she’s still with me. “Liv. Keep those pretty brown eyes on me.”
“No. Tired.” God I love her. The personality she hid and squashed behind a false facade is coming out. I can’t wait to see the real Livianna. I know I am going to love every piece of her. I already do.
“Liv.” Says Luca. “I know you’re hurt. Can you tell us where Ramirez is?”
Her eyes shoot open. “Shit.” She looks around frantically? “Where are they?”
“Whose they?” Asks Luca.
“Ramirez and the guy. The one she came with. They were just here.” Her voice sounds frantic. I don’t want her panicking. It will raise her blood pressure. And she’s still bleeding. I need her calm.
“What did he look like?” Asks Val. He has moved closer to her shoulder. The one opposite me.
Her breathes are shallow. I don’t like the change. “Where is the Doctor?” I growl.
“Thirty seconds.” Responds Paolo.
“Luca’s height.” Few inches short than me. “Muscular like Mass.” I smile down at her and kiss her forehead. I know she loves my muscles. She’s been checking them out every chance she gets. If I could, I would stay naked all day long just for her. Hell, I’ve already been adding weights during my gym sessions each day to keep my bulk. If she likes them, I’ll keep them. Forever. I’ll be the buffest ninety year old man if it means she is happy and continues to ogle me. “Dirty blonde hair. Late twenties I think. And Cartel gang tattoo on back of right hand. But he also had the Street Soldiers Gang tattoo on his left wrist. Both looked new…”
God I love her brain. I know she struggles to accept that she thinks different. Notices things others don’t. In situations like this, it’s no burden. It’s a fucking God send.
Street Soldiers were supposedly exterminated years ago. If they are back, then they are working underground. We’ll need to get someone undercover with them. Someone we can trust to not be turned.
My eyes shift to Paolo. He must know what I am thinking. He has gone undercover for us before. His job with us keeps him inside the Compound. He guards the basement dwellers so his identity isn’t known to outsiders. He is also a third Mexican and speaks Spanish fluently. His grandmother crossed the border illegally. Made her way to Chicago and fell in love with a Soldier. His family has been with us ever since.
“Good job Liv. That will help me find him.” Soothes Val. He’s also good with emotion. He’s comforting my girl. Knowing she is upset at losing Ramirez. Not that it’s her fault. It’s the guards at the gate. They will be punished accordingly. They let Rachel in before I gave approval. They must not have check her car either for stowaways or weapons if she had help and a gun.
My mind is racing. My heart ready to beat out of my chest.
The doctor finally arrives. I step back to let him attend to Livianna. Luca stands as well. He takes the two steps towards me. My eyes never leave Liv’s. “Stay with your girl.”
“We need to find Ramirez.” I retort. I want to capture and kill the bastard. Rachel got off too easy. She played me. Was it all a lie? How long had she been working with them. I had met her by chance at a bar months ago. I didn’t have Val look into her, because she was supposed to be like all my other fucks. A one and done.
Only she wasn’t. I was feeling exceptionally lonely. My father was no longer sober even when I visited. His health is declining. I wanted someone to talk to. Someone who didn’t know my whole story. I thought that could be Rachel. I never did open up to her. It didn’t feel right. It should have been a sign.
“And we will.” Replies Luca. His hand on my shoulder giving me a squeeze. “Val and I will get to work on it. You need to be with your girl.”
I keep staring at Liv. The doctor is asking her questions. She’s answering. Her eyes still locked with mine. It’s keeping me calm. She must know it, because even when she winces in pain, her eyes don’t waver.
The beast in me roars. I let her down. I allowed her to get hurt. “What do I say to her? How to make this better? She got hurt because of me. She killed because of me. She was innocent.”
“It doesn’t matter what you say. You’ll know. The words will come.” His hand leaves my shoulder and he heads towards the door.
“How?” I finally tear my eyes from Liv and plead with my friend. I can’t mess this up anymore. I can’t lose her. I can’t lose anyone else.
“Just be there. Be with her. Talk to her. Tell her about yourself.”
“I’m fucked up.” It’s the truth.
“Aren’t we all?” He says with a smile. He leaves, taking Val and a few guards with him.
I turn back to the doctor, he has Liv’s shoulder stitched up and a bandage over it. “Bleeding has stopped. It was a through and through, no major veins, arteries, or bones were hit. It will take a few weeks to heal and she should be in a sling to keep it immobile during that time. I want to move her. Get her to the infirmary side.” Meaning the other half of the basement that we keep separate. “I want to get her on an IV for pain for at least the next twenty-four hours.”