Page 8 of Seductress
“It’s more than that with Hayley,” Keith said on a growl. “She’s important, and our relationship is serious.”
I was willing to play along for another minute. “All right. So how long have you been with Miss Perfect?”
“Only a couple of months, but I’ve never felt like this before,” he said in a rush. God, he really was full of shit. “I want—well, I want Hazel to meet her.”
My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. “You’ve got to be kidding! No way in hell, Keith. You aren’t introducing our daughter to one of your groupie whores you’ve been with for a freaking minute. Not a chance.”
“Don’t talk about her like that!” he barked. “Catherine’s not a whore nor a groupie. She’s making me a better man.”
“Ha! And she’s accomplished that in only two months? This chick must have a golden vagina!” I spit acidly.
“She’s my soulmate,” he declared. “And, well, it’s time I start stepping up. I need to be a better father to Hazel.”
“Really? Is that what your new, fabulous woman has decreed? You’re suddenly going to be a family man because she’s brought it out in you?”
I would have been lying if I said that didn’t sting like hell. It was yet another blow to my ego. There’d been a time when I would have given anything for Keith to want to be a part of our little family, just me, him, and the daughter we’d made together. I’d wished for it more than I cared to admit. So knowing that this other woman had come into his life and made him feel all the things I couldn’t bring out in him was a real slap in the face.
“Hardin, I’m going to marry this woman.”
My mouth dried up, my throat suddenly felt tight. “You’re talking marriage? That has to be a joke. Keith, come on! You’ve barely been with this woman long enough to know how she takes her coffee or pizza toppings, let alone whether or not you want to marry her.”
“It’s happening, Hardin. Hazel is going to have a stepmom, and I’d like to introduce them before the wedding day.”
I wanted to refuse him. I wanted to tell him it was never going to happen, and he could just take his tramp and play house somewhere else. But I couldn’t. He was Hazel’s dad, and in spite of how many times he’d let her down, she still loved him. I might not have been able to stand the guy, but all that mattered was my daughter’s happiness, and Keith made her happy. It hurt like hell, but I accepted it, and I wasn’t going to do anything that could cause her any pain, such as take her away from him because he pissed me off and made me bitter.
“Fine. She can meet Hazel. But I want to meet her before then,” I demanded. “We can do it tomorrow, that’s my day off. Bring her into Junior’s during lunch. I’ll meet you there.” If I had to do this—which I did, because I prided myself on being the reasonable, responsible parent, I’d be damned if it didn’t happen on my turf. Junior’s was mine. I’d feel more comfortable meeting this woman there than anywhere else.
“Deal,” he replied way too quickly, his suddenly chipper tone grating on my nerves. “I’ll set it up. Thanks so much, Hardin. This means a lot. For real. Thank you.”
“Yeah, sure,” I grumbled. “Listen, I have to go.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure. Tuesday. We’ll see you then.”
I disconnected and took a moment to close my eyes and breathe deeply. I wanted to throw my head back and yell my lungs out, but that wouldn’t do me any damn good.
“Hey, Hard,” Owen greeted as I climbed the porch steps. He opened his arms and I didn’t hesitate to walk right into his embrace. My big brother always had a way of smoothing out my edges whenever they started to fray. He’d been my protector growing up, my buddy as I got older, and my built-in best friend. He could be an annoying, overprotective pain in the ass most days, but I wouldn’t have traded him for the world. He was the best big brother a girl could ask for. “Wanna tell me what the call was about? Looked pretty intense in your car there for a bit.”
I pressed my cheek against his chest and puffed out a long, weary sigh. “Just another fun phone call with Keith.”
His body went rigid against mine. Owen had never liked Keith, not the first time I brought him home to meet my family or even when I thought things were good, and his dislike for my ex only grew worse after things went sour. Every time his name was mentioned, my brother would scowl and mutter something nasty under his breath if Hazel was around.
“What did that son of a bitch want this time?”
“He’s met someone. Hissoulmate,” I said in a high-pitched, sarcastic voice. “And apparently she’s so wonderful, she makes him want to be a better man and father.”
He reared back, his face holding the same shock I’d felt when Keith had first said it. “That’s a joke, right?”
“I wish.” I puffed my cheeks and blew out the rest of my frustration. “But you know what? I’m done thinking about that right now. Forget Keith. No more talking about him for the rest of the night.”
“You got it,” Owen agreed.
“So, why are you out here waiting for me instead of inside with your woman, being doted on like the favored son?”
I was only teasing, even if there might have been a hint of truth to it. “You missed dinner,” he said, his expression telling me all I needed to know. “Figured I’d catch you before you went in, kind of as a united front since Mom’s been going on about it for almost an hour now.”
I hung my head, every bone and muscle in my body feeling heavy. It was like I was being dragged down with every step I took. I needed to get my ass home and into bed.
I loved my parents, truly. More than anything. They were kind and loving and supportive—in their own ways. But they could always be crazy and had their expectations a tad too high sometimes. They’d been there for me every step of the way when it came to helping me raise my daughter, but they also didn’t shy away from expressing their displeasure at the situation I’d gotten myself in, being a single mom with a loser ex.