Page 39 of Favorite Mistake
Then I felt a shock of something cold press just beneath my chin and was jolted fully awake with a sharp gasp. My eyes collided with a pair of black, beady marbles attached to a gigantic head.
“Christ, Churro.” A thick, corded forearm appeared above me, scooping the dog up. “Get down before you wake her up.”
I blinked, taking a moment to take in my surroundings. I was lying on a soft tan couch with extra wide cushions, a cozy chenille blanket draped over my legs and waist. I was still in my clothes from the night before... because I’d passed out right here only minutes after arriving. Just long enough to devour the burger and fries Holton had stopped to get me because I mentioned my fries being ruined. I hadn’t even asked. He simply turned his truck into the drive-thru and ordered, passing it to me.
I’d nearly started crying again at the kind gesture.
Pulling in a deep breath, I sat up and twisted, placing my bare feet on the floor. “I’m awake.”
I scrubbed at my tired, burning eyes. They felt swollen and sensitive from crying so damn much the night before. I’d surprisingly been able to sleep the whole night through, but thanks to the torrent of emotion from the night before, I still felt like I could sleep for a lifetime.
A steaming mug of coffee appeared in front of my face, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever been more grateful for anything in all my life.
I looked up, offering Holton a wan smile. “Thanks,” I said quietly, taking the mug and cupping it in my hands, letting the heat seep into my skin. That cold from last night still lingered a bit, and the warmth bleeding through the ceramic helped to push even more of it back. When I took a sip and discovered it was made just how I like it, that warmth bloomed even bigger, filling my chest.
I didn’t know how he knew, but he did, and he was going out of his way to make me comfortable. I appreciated that more than he knew. Truth was, if he hadn’t been there last night, I was sure it would have been even worse than it was. I’d felt safe when he was close, like he’d step in front of whatever danger could still be lurking to keep it from getting to me. When I’d broken down, he’d scooped me up and held me in his arms until I was able to pull myself together. That was the first time in my life someone had taken care of me when I was down.
A part of me felt sad at that realization, pathetic. What did that say about my life, honestly? I couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong with me. I thought about Deva, whose childhood was as bad as my own, but it took no time at all for her and Laeth to find each other, and now that man cherished her. He’d die before letting anything bad happen to her.
Was there something so flawed about me that no one wanted to get close enough to take care of me for the long haul? Was Cal the only person in my life who’d been capable of loving me like that?
At that question, the coal of warmth that had been growing inside of me snuffed itself out.
The walls I’d built around my heart to keep Holton out had taken on massive damage the night before, and I needed time and space to get them back in place, or I was at risk of doing something incredibly stupid, like throwing myself at him again. I had to remind myself that Holton was only being nice. He was being the hero the town had labeled him as. It wasn’t that he felt something for me. I’d made the mistake of thinking that could be possible once before. Consider that a lesson learned.
“How about some breakfast?” he asked, his voice gentle in a way I’d never heard before. It wasn’t the careful cop voice he’d used last night, it was something else. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. “You like sausage and home fries? Or I could do something else if you’re in the mood for something sweet.”
That was another shot to those walls. I was in big trouble here. I needed to retreat and refortify. Leaning forward, I placed the mug on the coffee table and rose to my feet, my limbs and joints feeling stiff and creaky. “Thanks, but I’m good. I actually need to get ready for work. Is it okay if I use your shower?”
A wall of muscle confined in faded gray cotton blocked my path. “What are you talking about?”
My eyes rose to his, my brow creasing in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Sweetheart, you just had the night from hell. You should be resting, not worrying about work. Take the day off.”
That wasn’t going to happen. At least if I was at work I’d have things to distract me from the turmoil spinning around in my head like a cyclone picking up speed.
“I’m fine.” It was a lie, that was for damn sure, but I pasted on a smile, hoping he’d buy it. “Besides, I’ve got a ton of work. If I take the day off, tomorrow will be even worse.”
I moved to step around him, but his long fingers wrapped around my elbow, stopping me before I could pass. “Hey. Talk to me.” There was that damn voice again, and it was enough to fill my belly with flutters. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
Absolutely nothing I was willing to share with him.
“Nothing, I swear. I’m just tired is all.”
“All the more reason for you to stay home.”
My breath stuttered, and I couldn’t stop the tremble in my chin before he saw it. “What home, Holt?”
Understanding flashed in his eyes, followed quickly by pity, the very last thing I wanted. “Lyric—”
“Forget it. Bathroom?”
His jaw ticked, and I could practically see the war waging in his head. “Second door on the left. I already put your toiletries there. The one right past it is the guest room. That’s where I put your bag.”
“Thanks,” I mumbled, sliding my arm from his grip and continuing out of the living room.
“But Lyric, we need to talk.”