Page 58 of Temptress
Out of the two of us, I was the one walking around in a constant state of pissed-right-the-hell-off. In the past two weeks, I’d taken grumpy to a whole new level. It was like there was a storm cloud hovering over my head, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t outrun in.
“So, are we ever going to talk about the fact that you and Sloane broke up?”
The sound of a record scratched reverberated through my skull. With my hand covered in soap, I slowly turned to look at my daughter. “What?”
She rolled her eyes like I was the dumbest person she’d ever met. “Oh, come on, Dad. You didn’t really think I didn’t know, did you? I mean, it wassoobvious you two were like, dating or whatever.”
I shook my head, trying to make sense of what she was saying. “But... how? We were so careful.”
She snorted and hooked a brow upward. “Seriously?” When she saw I was, in fact, dead serious, she explained, “Well, you were always really smiley whenever she was around, and you stared at her like,allthe time. At first I thought it was totally creepy. But then I noticed that she’d always stare at you too, and when you weren’t looking, she’d get this real dreamy look on her face, like she was thinking about how much she liked you or something. Not to mention, you were way happier. I don’t know when it happened, but you’ve been in a bad mood lately, and Sloane’s hardly been around. Not to mention, when youdosee her, instead of looking happy like you used to, you look really sad. Then that turns into angry, and you do stuff like break the lawnmower.”
She hit me with a knowing look, her brows climbing high on her forehead, like she was silently daring me to argue with her. I couldn’t, mainly because she was spot on.
“So, why’d you guys break up? You made such an awesome couple. It’s really sad you guys aren’t together anymore.”
I blinked, unsure what to say. “You didn’t have a problem with Sloane and me being together?”
Her brows knit together in confusion. “Why would I have a problem with it?”
I swallowed, trying to relieve the sudden dryness in my throat. “Well, you know. You weren’t exactly happy when your mom and I told you we were getting a divorce. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel if you found out I was seeing another woman.”
“Okay, yeah. I was bummed when you and Mom split,” she said with a casual roll of her wrist. “But not because I thought you guys were all in love and stuff. I’m not a little kid, Dad. I know you and Mom are way better off as friends. My friend Josie’s parents are divorced, and they’re always yelling at each other and arguing, so its super cool that you guys get along like you do, but you didn’t look at her like you looked at Sloane. And if it had been some other woman, maybe I wouldn’t have been cool with it. But it was Sloane, and she’s awesome. Even Mom thinks so.”
It felt like someone was reaching into my chest and squeezing my heart. As my daughter went on about how much she liked me being with Sloane, it became clearer just how badly I’d fucked up. “It... it just didn’t work out,” I said lamely. “Sometimes that happens. Two people can really care about each other, but for whatever reason, it just doesn’t work.”
“Yeah, but you guys were like, perfect for each other. So why didn’t you two work out?”
I didn’t know how to explain the nuances of Sloane’s and my relationship. I’d never had to do this before. Until recently, her mom and I had been together, so she’d never seen me with another woman until Sloane.
“Is it because of me?” she asked when I wasn’t able to figure out how to answer. “Did you break up because of me?”
“No. Baby girl, it’s nothing like that.”
Her face screwed up, her lips pinching and her nose scrunching in the way it did whenever she got pissed off. It was almost impossible to take her seriously because of how fucking cute she looked, but I somehow managed to keep from laughing or smiling.
“You know, I can tell when you’re lying. Youdidbreak up because of me!”
I rinsed my hands and moved to the island, standing across from her, I braced my hands on the counter and let out a weary exhale. “I know I haven’t always been the best dad, sweetheart, but when we moved here, I gave you my word that things were going to change. I promised I’d do better, I’d put you first. Then you got hurt and I wasn’t there and I realized that I’d fallen down on my job as your father again. Sloane and I broke up because I need to focus on being your dad.
She remained silent for so long it started to feel uncomfortable, and I had to tamp down the desire to squirm under her scrutiny. Christ, but teenage girls were terrifying.
Finally, she spoke but there was no way I could have been prepared for what she said. “No offense, Dad, but that’s really freaking stupid.”
She blew out a dramatic raspberry and really let me have it. “That has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. And I go to school with teenage boys who are like, the dumbest people on the planet.”
“You’re the best dad on the planet,” she said, stunning me speechless. “I know I was a pain in the butt when we first moved here, but that wasn’t because you were a crappy dad. I’m a teenage girl!” she exclaimed, throwing her good arm wide. “We’re moody and irrational sometimes. But I never hated you, and I never once thought you were a bad father. I know what you were doing in the Army was important, and yeah, you might have missed some stuff while I was growing up, but that was only because you were busy saving people. It’s not like you could have told your bosses, “Nah, I can’t go on this mission because my daughter has a dance recital.” She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Can you imagine who might have been hurt, or worse, if you hadn’t been on those assignments? All because you didn’t want to miss me wandering around a stage dressed as a lady bug? I know you’ve seen the videos, Dad. I wasnotgood.”
Christ, she undid me. Just when I was coming to grips with my little girl growing up, she went and said shit like this, showing she was wise beyond her years. Even wiser than her old man.
“You broke up with Sloane, and probably broke her heart”—she tacked on in an accusing tone—“because you were so worried about being the world’s best dad or something that you didn’t even stop to realize you two together were the ultimate team. I mean, do you even know what she did when she found out how Ireallygot hurt?”
My brows dipped into a V as I shook my head. “What are you talking about, sweetheart?”
“My friend Karla was at the hospital that night. She overheard those girls who have been giving me problems at school talking about how they were going to intentionally mess up the cradle so I’d fall and look like an idiot.”