Page 133 of The Wild Card
Guilt eats away at this sweet moment, reminding me of the secret I’m holding.
He loves playing for the Paragons. He struck the jackpot by being drafted so close to his hometown. It’s every draft pick’s dream.
There’s no way Harry will want to move to Los Angeles, especially seeing how close he is to his family. Especially with his beloved Grammy rapidly losing her sight and needing his reassurances. Needing each and every one of her grandsons.
All of this is so crumby.
He strolls across the room and lies back on the bench press machine. He pats the bar. “Come spot me, Dream Girl.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” I say with a curtsy.
I step up to the bar near his head, taking my job very seriously.
“Okay, I didn’t think this through.”
“Second thoughts?” He grunts as he drops the bar down to his chest and then lifts the very heavy bar back up.
“How am I going to spot you? The bar weighs more than me.” I glance around the place, finding that most of the gym-goers here have biceps bigger than my thighs. “You know what? This isn’t safe. I’m going to get you hurt. I’m just going to go find you someone…more capable.”
Harry heaves the bar back into its holder-thingy. Then his hand shoots out and grabs my wrist before I make it two steps. “No you’re not. How about I just bench you instead?”
I laugh. “I can’t tell if that sounds really dirty or really violent.”
He yanks me onto his lap. I can’t help but wiggle a little, feeling him growing hard beneath me. I’m liking these sweatpants more and more.
“Dirty. Definitely dirty, Dream Girl.” He smirks.
Harry coaxes me into position and he’s totally prepared to bench press me like a mad man. But I’m laughing so hard I keep wobbling and screeching out loud.
“Hey, hey. Break it up, you two,” a playful voice comes.
I glance around to find Harry’s brother, Davis, strolling into the room wearing his workout gear.
Sitting up with a huge grin on his face, Harry finally releases me.
Davis shakes his head at me. “Disturbing the peace, counsellor? Leave it to my baby brother to turn a nice upstanding woman like you into a public nuisance.”
I laugh, trying to catch my breath as Davis gives me a quick one-armed hug. “He’s such a bad influence.”
“The worst,” Harry smirks.
The guys quickly get caught up in their brotherly banter. They spot each other as they take turns at the bench press machine.
Desperately needing the bathroom, I wander out into the hallway. That’s when I come face-to-face with a familiar blonde headed for the exit with a yoga mat tucked under her arm.
“Alana!” I say, and her gaze snaps up from her phone where she’s typing away.
Her face lights up. “Nadia, hi! What are you doing here?”
“I’m here working out with Harry,” I tell her.
“Oh, that sounds like fun.” She pulls her puffy jacket closed with one hand then zips it up.
“My screaming quads would beg to differ,” I say and we both laugh.
We fall into a light conversation. Alana tells me that she just finished her yoga class and that she’s on her way home to get ready for work. But she makes sure to ask how things turned out with the romantic surprise she and the girls help me set up for Harry the other night.
I’m in the middle of spilling all the juicy details when her eyes flit past my shoulder.