Page 54 of The Wild Card
“See ya,” Harry says with a brash salute. He puts his arm around my shoulders and leads me to our table. “You okay?” he whispers so only I can hear.
I feel a slight shake in my fingers. I clench my hand to steady myself. “Yeah…” I mutter hoarsely.
Harry slips his fingers through mine, giving my hand a little squeeze as we settle into our seats. “Don’t worry about anything tonight. I’ve got you.”
In this moment, I’m so grateful for him, I could kiss him.
I mean, I won’t. Obviously.
Things are far less awkward at our table, as we get to know the others we’re grouped with. I can’t help but be distracted by the fact that Harry’s strong arm remains around me the whole time, like a security blanket, grounding me. No matter which couple we’re talking with, or which direction we turn, his big, warm arm is braced around my shoulders.
If I could just be honest for a second, I might be able to admit to myself that it feels really darn good to be in Harry’s embrace. But I’m too stiff…too nervous…too focused on paying attention to my posture—and on my desire to flip off my ex—to really be present in the moment.
“Hey there, Dream Girl?” Harry’s smooth voice sounds in my ear. “Anybody home?”
I shift his way, surprised by how close we’re sitting.
He brushes a curl behind my ear, and his subtle cologne takes over my senses. I glance up into his eyes, and I forget all about Luke and his girlfriend and my need for revenge.
All I see is Harry and his exceptionally charming smile.
“I’m here. I’m good,” I answer softly, feeling so safe with him.
His fingertips brush across my bare shoulder, and his touch zips through me. I…I feel electricity radiate through my boobs.Wow. That’s…new.
I have to remind myself that everything Harry’s doing tonight is just to make Luke jealous. The little glances. The touches. The arm around me. I know it’s notreallyreal. That’s what we agreed to.
But even though Logical Nadia knows all that, I can't take my eyes off of Harry. It’s official. I can no longer deny how attracted I am to this man.
I continue to stare. It’s incredibly rare that I see Harry outside of a ball cap. I won’t admit it out loud, but even in a backward baseball hat, he’s freakishly handsome. In this boy next door kind of way. But without it, holy shit, Harry is absolutely striking. The hints of gold in his dark eyes flicker brighter than ever without hiding under the shadow of a hat.
Harry’s gaze meets mine, and I gulp at its intensity.
“What is it?” he asks eventually.
“I’m just happy you’re here with me.”Whoa. Is the wine getting to my head?
I tend to say stupid things and make poor decisions when I drink too much. Which is why I usually limit myself to just a glass or two of merlot unless I’m bundled up on my couch, in the safety of my living room.
His grin stretches across his handsome face. “I’m happy to be here with you, too.” My heart starts hammering when I see the way his gaze drops to my lips.
His eyes flit back up to mine and he grins that boyish grin. He knows I know exactly what he’s thinking. Shit—I’m thinking the exact same thing. I want to taste him again, even though I shouldn’t.
With a soft chuckle, he leans down and places a soft kiss on my shoulder. “You’re freaking killing me, Nadia.”
It’s a simple gesture, probably innocent to any third-party observer, but there are no words to describe the vulgar things that take place between my thighs when he kisses me like that. His mouth is so soft and the prickle of his stubble feels better than it should.
I want him to do that again. I want those lips everywhere.
I clench my muscles tight, trying to shut out the thought of him slipping his hand beneath the table, between my legs, soothing the building ache at my core. Right here. Right now.
The ice between us is shattered with that tiny kiss on my shoulder, and I can’t help how flirty things get the rest of the evening. I forget about the boundaries I’d established for us. I forget that this is supposed to be a work event. Hell—I even forget that Luke is here.
I’m having fun. Genuine, honest-to-goodness fun. Man, it’s been a long time since I felt like this. Hell, have Ieverfelt this way in the company of a man? As the night goes on, it’s getting harder and harder to remember why I always turn Harry down.