Page 120 of The Wild Fire
I remember my days at Honey Hill Elementary eons ago, so it’s not too hard to reach these kids on a personal level. I won’t admit it to Mom, but these career days are actually kind of fun.
I stand at the small podium in the auditorium, proudly giving these kids a rundown on my job for the school’s career day. I launch into a description of my role as chief deputy sheriff, trying to make it sound exciting to a bunch of kids who only have their sights set on beinga surgeon or an athlete or a firefighter.
When I start to talk about overseeing all the lieutenants and managing the daily department financials, the tiny weasels quickly seem to lose interest.
The only thing the kids get really excited about is when I explain that I report directly to the sheriff.The big chief.
The kids start bouncing and shouting out questions, suddenly forgetting all the quiet rules.
“Have you been in a car chase?”
“Do you arrest bad guys?”
“Have you tasered someone?
“Yeah, have you tasered someonein the butt?”
Giggles pour out around the room. The career counselor stands and quickly reminds the kids to wait until the end to bring up their questions.
I go on, talking about how I make important decisions on all the equipment the deputies need, including the guns. The big ones.
I love my job. I do. I’m good at it.
But at the end of the day, when I go home, I can’t help but feel like I was meant to do more for this town. The work I’m doing now has given me excellent experience, but I know I’m capable of more. So much more.
Instead of overseeing cops and payroll and guns, I could be more effective managing city staff, town resources, and local policies, fixing things from the top down in Honey Hill.
Maybe even without Alana by my side.
I’m done wavering on this. After that near-sex episode I had with my ex-wife last night, I’ve decided. I’m not going back and forth on this anymore. The exes-with-benefits thing may work for some people, but not for me. I’m way too emotionally invested in Alana, and I only hurt myself pretending I can just be casual about continuing to have sex with her.
We’re either doing this for real, or I’m keeping my distance. No matter how painful it is.
Shaking the thought of Alana from my head, I carry on talking to the kids for a bit and then try to get to as many questions as I can.
“I don’t arrest people in my current day to day, but in a small town, sometimes I need to step into any role in the sheriff’s department.”
“And yes, I have actually tasered someone.”
“Yes, in the butt.” I just don’t mention that it was Mendoza, and that I had to listen to him whining for days afterward.
After my speech is done, I hand the mic over to the next career day speaker and head upstairs, joining my mother in the principal’s office for lunch. I need to get back to the station soon, but I’ve always got time for Mom.
“Thanks for doing that, Davis. I hear you had a tough crowd out there,” she says with a smile.
I nod, handing over the smoked turkey on rye sandwich I brought her from Grammy’s bakery. “The little bastards seemed to think my job isn’t cool enough.”
I unwrap my own sandwich, taking a big bite. I fall back in my seat, exhaling loudly.
Mom is studying my face from across the table and I brace myself for her incoming assessment.Oh, boy.
“Something is wrong with you,” she says finally. “I can see it.”
“Nah, I’m good.” I try to lie.
My mother cocks her head to the side, using her principal voice on me. “And who exactly are you trying to fool, sir?”
I heave a sigh, putting my sandwich back on the wrapper on her desk. “How’d you know?”