Page 14 of The Wild Fire
“I only answer to one woman,” the groom-to-be huffs. “My fiancée. And she’s the one forcing me to be here.”
“I’m only here ‘cause of Nadia, too,” Harry mumbles with a shrug.
“Emma said I wouldn’t get any tonight if I didn’t come.” Jasper pouts.
The woman looks to me. “And what’syourexcuse?!”
“I’m…I’m…” I roar out a yawn. “Sorry.”
“This is some bullshit. I fucking have Etsy orders at home to pack.” With a growl, Miss Stripper Cat pivots and storms off.
I know I shouldn’t laugh. But I can’t help it. All the guys join in, howling uproariously right alongside me.
The big, burly bald security guy approaching our table doesn’t seem to find the humor.
“You six! Get lost!” When we don’t move fast enough, the big guy shouts again, spittle flying. “NOW!”
We get up, heads hung low, as the rest of the strip club watches. Security chases us off, shooing us all the way out the front door.
Mason is still laughing as we stumble out onto the sidewalk. “Damn, Cash,” he says, zipping up the front of his fleece pullover. “You didn’t have to be a dick about it.”
The groom is unapologetic. “The woman tried to stick her tongue in my ear! I want Meghan’s tongue in my ear. And that’s it.”
“Well now me, and Davis will never be able to show our faces there again,” Mason complains.
Jasper scoffs. “Like you two would ever hang out at that seedy place. The whole club smells like a dirty urinal and I swear my beer was watered down with tap water.”
“Hey.” I shrug, holding my hands outward. “It’s the principle. Now that we’re forbidden from the club forever, it almost sounds exciting.” I shake my head ruefully. “Now we’ll never know.”
We continue to give Cash shit. Half of our crew piles into Harry’s car. My pro-footballer brother rarely drinks during football training camp months. The rest of the guys get into my Jeep. We cruise across the bridge back into Honey Hill, headed to our favorite bar.
The moment we stride into The Hot Sauce, we notice the girls at the back. The bachelorette party is rowdy as hell, instantly putting a smile on my face.
My eyes spot Alana in the bachelorette crowd, and my heart starts drumming at a pace that makes me damn near dizzy.Fuck—she looks good.
Her silky hair is piled into some kind of updo with golden tendrils cascading around her smiling cheeks. A pretty floral dress drapes off of her shoulders, showing off her collarbones and drawing attention to her modest cleavage.
She looks hot as fuck but still a little demure with her sugar-sweet smile and the simple cardigan draped over her shoulders.
I could just stand here and dumbly stare at her all night. But when her crystalline blue stare drifts in my direction, I quickly turn my gaze away.
Dad hustles up beside me, his facial expression like a nervous high schooler watching his crush from across the cafeteria. “How does my hair look?” he asks, smoothing back his salt and pepper strands, his eyeballs zoned in on Mom.
“Like a freaking Ken doll,” I tell him, mostly to appease his insecurities.
Falling in love again has made my father ridiculous. He was barely even taking care of himself in the years that he was single. But now that he and mom are doing whatever it is that they’re doing, he’s suddenly a total pretty boy. The man is in the gym four days a week and he’s completely obsessed with his hairline.
Cash beams from ear to ear, heading in the direction of his fiancée. “Now this is what I call a good time,” he announces.
Mason rolls his eyes as he and I follow the lovestruck groom. “So this is the big, exciting plan for tonight? Crashing the bachelorette party?”
Jasper marches past us, his lecherous smile aimed at Emma. “I mean, that’s only fair considering they forced a strip club on us.” He throws over his shoulder. “This is sweeter than revenge.”
The girls have printouts scattered all over their table. Looks like they’re playing bachelorette party games. They only get louder when they see us approaching.
“What happened to the wild and crazy bachelor party?!” Meghan demands, one hand planted sassily on her hip as she stumbles toward Cash.
“Don’t even mention that.” He yanks his fiancée into his arms and shuts her up with a dirty kiss that, from a law enforcement standpoint, looks a whole lot like public indecency. Lucky for them, I’m off-duty tonight.