Page 140 of The Wild Fire
“Since we’re making surprise announcements…” Noelle grins.
Luther wraps his arm around his ex-wife and clears his throat. “Your Mom and I have a surprise announcement of our own.”
Harry smirks. “Are you telling me I’m going to be a big brother again?! Because as far as I’m concerned, Nicky is more than enough for me in terms of younger siblings.”
“Get over it. You’re stuck with me,” Nicky shouts, yanking off Harry’s ball cap and messing up his hair.
Harry attacks her, pinching her in the ribs. Nicky retaliates, playfully swinging her fists.
“Simmer down, you two.” Noelle rolls her eyes at her two youngest.
“I think that ship has sailed,” Luther admits. “But I think this news is even better.”
Noelle’s eyes sweep around the room. Then she blurts out with excitement, “We’re going to Sin Valley. To elope!”
At first everyone is in shock. But then, hugs and congratulations break out around the room.
“Kissy Kissy Bang Bang Chapel, here we come.” Luther grabs his woman by the waist and tips her backward, planting a smacking kiss on her lips. Just like in a Hollywood movie.
But then they both groan and complain about back spasms.
“We’re not as young as we used to be.” Noelle sighs, massaging her man’s achy waist.
“But our love is stronger than ever.” Luther kisses her cheek.
Across the room, I catch Cash and Meghan sharing a look. They whisper quietly to each other for a long moment.
Then Cash steps forward, reaching for Meghan’s hand and pulling her to his side. “Fuck it. We want to join in. We’re eloping in Sin Valley, too.”
What?!“We can’t wait until the next availability at the Kingston Guesthouse,” Meghan declares, laughing. “I want to be Mrs. Cassius Westbrooknow! We’ve waited long enough.”
There’s more squealing and more jumping in the room. Everyone is excited by this news.
Davis catches my gaze, and the look in his gray eyes makes my stomach do a very athletic flip.
I nod. He grins.
Then he looks at his parents and asks, “Got room for one more couple?”
His mom gasps, her hands covering her heart. “Are you serious?” Noelle’s eyes fly to me then back to Davis.
“Dead serious, Mom,” my man confirms as I nod, tears falling from my eyes.
“A spontaneous triple wedding in Sin Valley?” Grammy shouts. She clutches her chest. “Oh, darn. I’m so happy, I don’t know if my heart can take it!”
Mason stands up and wraps Grammy into a big hug. “Dr. Westbrook is standing by for emergency intervention.” We all laugh.
Grammy pats him on the cheek and tells him how proud she is of him. Then she turns back to the rest of us. “But seriously. What’s with all the spontaneous weddings in this family? Can’t you people just plan a traditional wedding like everybody else?”
More laughter fills the room.
“We’re the Westbrooks,” Jasper pulls Emma into his lap and replies with an unapologetic shrug. “We wouldn’t be the Westbrooks if we weren’t a little bit wild.”
Luther lifts his beer in the air. “Cheers to that. Cheers to the wild Westbrooks.”
The new family mantra echoes throughout the room. “Cheers to the wild Westbrooks!” we all sing.