Page 51 of The Wild Fire
A smile comes across Rainbow’s face as she cranes her neck for a peek at the door. “Oh, is that who I think it is?” She pushes her chair away from the table. “Excuse me, you two.”
When Rainbow moseys off down the hallway, Davis and I are left alone. The silence that comes over the room is heavy as we continue to eat. Davis’s lips move like he’s hesitating to say something. Eventually, he can’t hold his tongue any longer.
“I have something to get off my chest,” he announces, a guilty shadow over his eyes when they meet mine.
I blink and my pulse quickens a tiny bit as I wonder what he’s about to say. “Y-yes?”
“This morning, when…” He clears his throat uncomfortably. “…when I woke up, you were…” He’s struggling with his words. “…you were rubbing your ass on my…”
I feel my eyebrows dart up. “On your…?” I question, horror crawling the length of my windpipe.
“On my erection,” he finally spits out. “And you, um, you said my name, in your sleep.”
“Oh my god,” I blurt, shocked, shamed. “Really?”
He flinches and nods. “Yeah…”
“Oh my god,” I say again. I bury my blazing face in my palms. This is mortifying.
With a heavy sigh, Davis wraps his fingers around my wrists and pulls my hands from my face. “I’m not saying this to embarrass you, it’s just that…” he clears his throat. “I was sort of sleeping too and…I slipped my hand under your T-shirt. I was half-asleep. I swear.” He rushes out.
The expression on his face is a perfect reflection of the utter embarrassment I feel.
But what is this warm tingle coming to life at my core?
His eyes shift away from me and he busies himself, refilling his cup from the coffee pot, his unsteady hand spilling some of the dark liquid on the table cloth. “Shit,” he mumbles.
He mops up the mess with a linen napkin. Then he mops it up some more. Anything to fill the awkward silence.
“A part of me is wishing you never would have brought it up,” I admit quietly, staring downward.
On my periphery, I see Davis’s head shake subtly from left to right. “Look, I know it’s an uncomfortable conversation, but I just need you to know that I would never do that deliberately, if I were fully awake. I need you to know that, Alana.”
I pat my cheeks, trying to get rid of the prickly feeling. “I know that. I knowyou…” Through my bangs, my eyes hook with his. “I know you would never willingly take advantage of me.” I have never met a man I could trust more freely than I trust Davis Westbrook.
“Thank you,” he mutters, seemingly relieved, like an invisible weight rolling off his shoulders.
I look down at my plate and search through my cloudy memories. “God—I think I vaguely remember all of that happening. But I thought it was just another one of my dreams.”
“Another one of your dreams…?” The sudden rumble in Davis’s voice makes my head shoot up. Our eyes lock and my tummy coils. “Do you…do you dream about me?”
Oh shit.
I want to lie. I probably should. I should tell him that I misspoke and I should try to explain myself. But for some reason, I don’t fucking want to.
Once upon a time, I used to tell him everything. Well, almost everything.Until the day that I couldn’t tell him anything at all…
In any case—out of nowhere—I desperately crave the secure cocoon of our marriage where it felt safe to be vulnerable. It’s been so long since I’ve just been…honest.
“Sometimes…” I say quietly.
On the inside, I’m screaming,All the damn time.
Davis continues to study my face intently, and I hear myself asking, “Do you ever dream about me?”
His eyes move to mine. Then to my lips. Then back to my eyes. His body subtly moves closer to me. “Sometimes…” he replies softly. “Sometimes I can’t help myself.”
Now, my whole body is screaming. Just like it was when I was straddling him on the cabin floor.